When You Reject What You Don’t Want, You Make Room For What You Do | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 94

A lot of people cling to what they don’t like - things, people, jobs, whatever. They often do this because they’re afraid there isn’t anything or anyone better out there - a classic scarcity mindset. However, that just keeps us all trapped. When we embrace the energy of The Fool tarot card and take a bold leap into faith in the mystery… beautiful things and people show up for us.

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Flirt With the World and the World Will Flirt With You | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 93

Like attracts like. Vibes attract vibes. Y’all may totally hate this with every ounce of your being, but it’s absolutely true - our energies, our openness, our playfulness and ability to be present and positive as we go about our daily business, go to parties and networking events, and even grab groceries… all of that influences the type of life we have, and the kind of interactions we have and the people we meet. In this episode I explain a bit about this, the importance of opening our vibe, and how when we flirt with the world and universe, the universe and the world often flirt right back. This episode includes a fun little homework about this, for Tuesday’s upcoming gorgeous full moon.

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It’s Better to Be Alone Than With a Wounded Energy Man, and Other Lessons From My Tarot Cards | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 92

Have you ever dated someone and felt more alone when you were with them, than when you were actually by yourself? In this episode I talk about a few recent tarot readings where the same exact cards came up, and what I learned from those cards (and, of course, what you can learn from these cards when they come up in your own tarot readings). Topics of the day include wounded masculine energy, the importance of recording your tarot readings, why the King of Cups reversed is a red flag in relationship readings, and two perfectly contrasting Swords cards. Join me?

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Not Everyone Is For You: Radical Honesty and the Importance of Claiming Who We Are | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 91

Hi friends! In this episode I talk about radical honesty, prolonged adolescence, personal growth, and how when we are in our integrity and honest with ourselves and others about who we are and what we want… a lot will fall away. As it should! That’s okay and it’s awesome. In this episode, I explain why.

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Negative Mindset? You Might Have an External Locus of Control (And Why It Can Ruin Your Life) | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 90

Hello friends! In this episode I discuss negative mindset, complaining about stupid shit, and explain why and how a negative outlook and interpretive lens is ultimately linked to an external locus of control. If your locus of control stays external, you’ll likely suffer unnecessarily until you are able to heal and reorient. In this episode I give examples about all this, and how I recommend we orient and heal instead.

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Your Politics Can Change: Be Open to Different Perspectives and Get Curious | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 89

Guess what! It’s election day in my home city of Toronto: Yes, we are electing a new mayor. In this episode I talk a bit about my own political journey over the last 10 years, how I turned from a leftist social justice warrior to a normal (Canadian) conservative, and why I think it’s important to read multiple books by people you assume you’re going to disagree with. Today’s North American political climate is very bizarre, full of thought police and cancel culture, and in this episode I outline what I hope we can all be and do for ourselves and each other instead: to move from curiosity and openness, and to be responsive to the current situation and present moment. Your politics may not be what you think they are, but you will never know that if you don’t give yourself permission to explore.

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A Hatred of Flakiness May Mean You Betray Your Own Boundaries | Secrets of a Witch episode 88

Hi friends! Controversial podcast episode alert! Do you absolutely HATE when people are “flaky” - or don’t always follow through and come to plans? If so, this may be a sign that you actually betray your own boundaries on the regular, say yes when you wanna say no, and expect others to do the same. There’s other ways to live! In this episode I break down my take on this and talk about how we can all live lives that are more curious, peaceful, and understanding.

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The Magic of Summer Solstice, and a Reminder to Keep Your Standards High | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 87

Hi all! First of all, HAPPY SUMMER SOLSTICE! After some chat about how to honour this magical moment, I discuss dating dynamics among men and women today, and remind women of the importance of keeping our standards high - respecting our own dreams for our lives and not allowing anyone to bully us out of our desires, no matter how cute they are.

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No Response Is A Response: My Take on Ghosting | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 86

Everyone hates ghosting, it seems - well, except for me! In this episode I talk about abundance mindset, the importance of cultivating an internal locus of control, a widespread misplaced obsession with closure, and why I don’t think ghosting is that big of a deal, especially in the early days. Controversial, I know!

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Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 85

In this episode, I share a really confusing miscommunication blunder I experienced this week - fascinating! I talk about the importance of clear and direct communication, and how limiting beliefs are often a big contributor to miscommunication and misunderstanding. Everyone wins when we learn to challenge our limiting worldviews, communicate our truth, and take people at their word. In this episode I share a bit about how these things are connected.

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Feminine Energy Doesn’t Mean People Pleasing | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 84

In this short but sweet episode, I debunk a common misconception about feminine energy: that it’s all about fawning, people pleasing, being bubbly, and always in a good mood. Actually, you can connect with your feminine energy and be even more of a bitch! Listen to learn how.

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It’s Okay To Admit You Are Not A Bad Bitch! Vulnerability After Heartbreak Is Healthy | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 83

Hi friends! In this episode I discuss something I’ve seen a lot of, mostly after women end a relationship with a man who ended up using them, playing them, lying to them, cheating on them, or whatever else. The fact is, no, you aren’t a baddie with high queen life standards if you see the warning signs and ignore them. Yes, shitty people are shitty, it’s true - all bugs are attracted to the light, both ones that bite and ones that are beautiful: once we get a glimpse of who someone is, we get to choose who and what we entertain. It’s okay to take off our mask, admit we got played, get vulnerable, and really examine ourselves to avoid something similar in the future. In this episode I talk about how this is unavoidable, actually, if we want to heal these wounds around worthiness, discernment, and abandonment in dating.

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Why 50/50 Isn’t the Vibe, Bitter Women, and the Shame of Not Being Given To | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 82

In this episode, we are back to talking about feminine and masculine energy. I discuss why a 50/50 split is actually often not good for romantic relationships. I also discuss some of what I’ve observed around vicious, bitter women and their shame of not being given to by the men they date - and how these women often will lash out at women who have indeed figured out feminine energy and enjoy being given to. Feminine energy is all about the ease and joy of receiving. Listen to the full episode for more!

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Don’t Take My Course! Maybe Magic Without Bullshit Ain’t For You | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 80

In this episode I go over both my ideal student - the PERFECT kinds of students for Magic Without Bullshit… aaaand… I also list out a bunch of things that mean this course might actually not be for you. This course isn’t about everything, nor is it for everyone. Not sure which category you fall under? Listen to find out! Learn more about Magic Without Bullshit and sign up by emailing me: ceo@sabrinamscott.com

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Why An “I’ll Do It Next Time” Attitude Is Complacent and Entitled | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 78

Okay, rant ahead! Consider this your warning! It hit me today that I’ve been teaching Magic Without Bullshit for 4 years, and I’ve heard the same excuse the entire 4 years - “I’ll do it next time.” Well, guess what? There may not be a next time. In this episode, I explain how this “later” attitude comes from a place of entitlement, complacency, and also taking creators for granted. I also relate this to how people take the clean environment for granted - while today Toronto has the third worst air quality in the world, and I wore a N95 outside to go get a coffee. My eyes stung like hell. When we expect things to always be around for next time - whether it’s the environment, our spouse, or a small business… we reveal some of our own mental weaknesses, and shoot our selves in the foot. We also are deluding ourselves - if we keep telling ourselves, “I’ll do it next year,” and it’s been 4 years. Step out of the delusion, and admit you really don’t care. Or maybe you do. If the time is now, email me - I’ll see you inside.

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The Magic Without Bullshit Curriculum: An Overview | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 77

On this episode of Secrets of a Witch, I give an in depth overview of the curriculum for my Magic Without Bullshit course. If you’re not sure what I get into in the course, as well as how and why I teach the information I teach in the order I do, you’ll want to listen to this episode! I also share a meaningful testimonial, and share some of my own past journey of rejecting new teachings and new growth.

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Thirteen Ways Magic Completely Changed My Life (Yes, For the Better) | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 75

Hi friends! In this episode I talk all about the ways witchcraft and magic completely changed my life - yes, for the better! I wouldn’t be who I am today if it weren’t for this phenomenal practice. If you’re ready to claim the next version of your reality, check out my online course and group coaching program, Magic Without BS, relaunching now!

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