I share about what I learned from an ill advised situationship blowing up in my face. I broke some of my own rules, I knew better, and I played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. What red flags did I ignore? What did I learn from the experience? I mean, how DOES someone who made a podcast episode (two years ago!) about how bad and pointless situationships are, kinda end up in one? Listen to this episode to hear all about it (red flags of situationships or early dating) and learn from my mistakes so you don't make them. I also talk about how many of us know better yet break our own rules, and how it's so important to give ourselves grace, compassion, love, and forgiveness as we move forward with lessons and self worth.
Read MoreThis episode is about testing out our internal algorithms, our standard operating procedures, and the rules and regulations by which we lead our lives. I outline four of the main ways we - in my opinion - create these rules, and I discuss a recent example of breaking one of my own long-standing rules, how that went, and what I learned. What are the rules that create the boundaries of your own life? This episode will give you a lot to think about as you ponder your own life and circumstances.
Read MoreIn this era of political polarization and a very interesting lack of empathy and intellectual openness, it's especially important to examine our own rhetorical styles as well as that of others. What typical appeals/arguments do people use? Do they appeal to extreme emotion, or to their own identity? In this episode, I use a recent dinner I had with two lefty New Yorkers as a jumping off point to discuss effective (and ineffective) ways of discussing ideas. I provide critiques, offer suggestions, and end with a provocative challenge to my listeners.
Read MoreIn this episode, I talk about the relationship between authenticity and loss, and how they are truly inseparable and intertwined. However, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I also discuss the importance of honouring others in their authenticity, even if it means they aren’t for us and we aren’t for them.
Read MoreSomehow the thing my haters love to dunk on me the most is how I’ve had plastic surgery. Yes I have! And I have absolutely no shame about it. In this episode I talk about why plastics are soooo triggering to some people, the nature of authenticity, and how we can see plastics (and other stuff) as intentional acts of self-creation.
Read MoreHappy full moon lunar eclipse day my friends! In this episode I share about what the energy in the world is doing right now, how to understand this moment, and what to do about it.
Read MoreIn this episode, I take y’all for a snowy night time walk with me! I explain how this is a spiritual, intuitive exercise and how changing our surroundings every now and then can infuse our days with magic and fresh energy.
Read MoreMarried dudes sliding into my DMs and asking me out on dates - how fun! Did I tell the wife? Of course! Sadly this isn’t the first time this has happened and likely won’t be the last. In this episode I talk about integrity, honesty, values, and the importance of doing the right thing even when it’s hard. This can help our spiritual growth, too.
Read MoreHi friends! In the last episode of Secrets of a Witch for 2023 I talk about something I really hope we can all leave behind… and why. Happy new year friends!!
Read MoreNot everything needs to be up to 11 all the time! Give yourself permission to rest and tap out. There’s a time to hustle… and a time to admit defeat. Recorded while I was sick, so I’ve been enjoying doing pointless things!
Read MoreIn a world where there is so much pressure to say the right thing at the right time… it’s okay to choose silence.
Read MoreHi friends! In this episode I talk a bit about my feminine energy journey and how it impacted my life, my relationship with myself, and my witchcraft.
Read MoreWe are in an era of war. The violent images are endless and, in this episode, I argue that none of it does any good at this point. I’m sure my political opinions are no surprise to folks who have been here for a while, but whatever your political stance, it’s important to consider what the point is of sharing violent imagery. Is it really to raise awareness about the conflict at hand, or is it to raise awareness of ourselves as highly woke and moral?
Read MoreOver the years, it has broken my heart to see so many lovely, amazing people - especially women - give so much of their energy, time, and patience to those who don’t deserve it. Sometimes this can be out of a misplaced hopefulness, and sometimes it can be due to a scarcity mindset and an idea that we just have to tolerate misalignment. When we elevate our standards (yes, for ourselves, too, we aren’t off the hook!), we elevate our lives.
Read MoreA big episode in a short amount of time! Are you feeling a bit better now that the eclipse has passed? I know I am! We are still feeling echoes of this energy and I talk about how to work with it.
Read MoreHi friends! In this episode I share some of what this full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus is all about, what some of the big lessons have been for me (as well as a very surprising and insightful tarot reading), and how making space for stillness and surprise can allow us the permission and inspiration to pivot in new, fulfilling directions.
Read MoreMy friends, I know. I’ve done it too. Put off important things, adulting things, or things I actually really love and want to do but… don’t. Whether it’s in learning tarot, dealing with finances and taxes, cleaning out the cat litter, or writing our next book, it’s easy to just say “I’ll do it later.” In this episode I talk about why we should do the thing, and I share some common protestations of why folks deprioritize tarot learning (and even brainwash themselves they will never learn it properly anyway).
Read MoreJoin me as I listen to the waves and talk about how little actions can reignite our creativity - and how mindless, pointless creation can be transformative and freeing.
Read MoreIn this episode, I discuss the current culture of fear around fully expressing ourselves. We are not in an expressive, heart open, anything goes, experimental and experiential culture - we’re in a moment where there are good opinions and bad opinions, moral identities and immoral identities. Nuance has all but disappeared, and anyone who dare be a little more complicated in their thought can look forward to being publicly shamed. In this episode I discuss why honesty is too important to abandon, and how when we halt our speech and expression, we block ourselves mentally, emotionally, and can even cause physical health issues.
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