Online Courses and Group Coaching with Sabrina Scott
I started creating online courses so I could reach as many people as possible with my ideas, teachings, and techniques for working towards spiritual wellness through magic and tarot. More than 240 students have enrolled in my courses to date, with newbies signing up every day!
My two signature courses are my most high ticket: Magic Without Bullshit and Tarot Without Bullshit. These have a self-study component, and optional group coaching. I LOVE these courses!
You’ll see self-study recordings of live-taught classes, a meditative series of audio affirmations, and more.
If you have any questions, please email me at, (most reliable!) or my assistant at and we would be happy to help you decide which of these courses is the best fit for you.
Legal Disclaimer
By enrolling in any of these courses, you agree to my Standard Terms and Conditions.
If you are enrolling now, I encourage you to do so from a deeply connected and intentional place. Take inspired action - for you
Disclaimer: I love all of my courses and programs and I deeply believe in the principles and teachings in each course. I teach sincerely and from my own experience. Success stories I share from students are from real live people who have worked with me through any of my programs and got fantastic results. According to my lawyer, I need to make sure I always say this to you: I don't guarantee or warrant results or increased income. The testimonials I share may not be typical for all students.