Hi friends! ARE YOU EXCITED?! I’m excited! In a little more than 12 hours we will have a total solar eclipse bopping diagonally over North America, and I have to say I’m already buzzy with both apprehensive and excited vibes. In this podcast episode I talk eclipse viewing safety for anyone traveling to totality or planning to view the partial eclipse, and offer some tips for reflection and magic and alchemy for anyone going cocoon mode during this time and choosing not to view, or living somewhere where viewing isn’t possible. I also share when in the last few years this eclipse loops us back to. Happy eclipsing!
Read MoreYes, another witchcraft documentary! This time, here are my thoughts - I could not help myself as someone who absolutely loves documentaries! I even wrote a paper about the representation of witches in documentary film back in my undergrad - the short version is, at the time, back in probably 2009, witches were presented as either silly or sexy. This documentary falls into neither trope, but still completely misses the mark with its focus on identity and reincarnation, rather than witchcraft and magic itself. In this episode I give my full thoughts on the documentary “Coven” which you can watch for free on CBC Gem.
Read MoreGuess what? Despite the self-important activists thumping around on social media, virtue signalling in every which direction, you are absolutely NOT a narcissistic and self indulgent spiritual bypasser if your witchcraft is undoubtedly local instead of global. A lot of witchcraft - including the kind I practice - has always been rooted (literally and figuratively) in the unabashedly local: healing ourselves, undoing inter generational traumas, protecting our homes and families, and cultivating deeper connection with heritage, land, and environment. If you wanna do global political witchcraft, go for it - but stop shaming any witches who are keeping their practice closer to home.
Read MoreIt’s a leap year! I’ve noticed that my biggest transformations have been during leap years - and in this episode of the podcast, I talk all about the potency and magic of this year. Have you ever incorporated leap year energy into your magic? Let’s talk about it!
Read MoreIn this episode I talk a little bit about trends in witchcraft, and do a flash back to my early days of practice in the 1990s. Back in the day, it was thought that everyone had to had a “patron deity” or deities. Now, it’s known widely that there are so many different forms of practice, with many people focusing on animism or Christian witchcraft. I share a bit about the first deities I worked with and why, and how they helped me, and share a little on how my altar practice has changed over time.
Read MoreHappy lunar new year + new moon folks! In this episode I talk about how this energy is a fresh vibe (and what to do with it), what I decided to do for lunar new year (launch a brand new membership and community), aaaand of course some inspo from David Goggins (because why not).
Read MoreHi friends! Wow, who would have thought - me of all people talking about IMBOLC?! Wtf! Well, yes! In this episode I talk all about what this holy day has come to mean for me over the past few years, and why it is this burst of fresh energy we can all work with in some way. If you’re not Wiccan and still want to engage with this cross-quarter energy, this episode includes multiple ideas for how to do so.
Read MoreI love winter solstice! Happy solstice, friends. In this episode I talk all about what the energy of winter solstice (aka Yule or Yuletide) is, how to work with it, and how we can welcome back the light while banishing the shadows that no longer serve us.
Read MoreHow did I spend the first moments of my birthday, and why? In this short but sweet episode I talk a bit about the magic and potency of the first minutes and hours of any day - and how we can work with that in a spiritual way, with intention, to manifest our best selves and best life. Wanna grab a course of mine as a bday gift? Creep around! You can do so at sabrinamscott.com
Read MoreHi friends! In this episode I talk a bit about my feminine energy journey and how it impacted my life, my relationship with myself, and my witchcraft.
Read MoreHi friends! You may be wondering - how the hell do I celebrate Samhain, aka Halloween, as a witch? Whether you’re exhausted and have little energy and not much time to do something, or whether you’re bursting with good vibes and ready to do a million things, I have some great suggestions for you.
Read MoreIn this episode I discuss why you might want to connect with your ancestors and deceased relatives, even if you didn’t have a great relationship in life. And I introduce two masterclasses: Ancestor Magic, and Tarot for Mediumship.
Read MoreThe magical in the mundane. If I had a shot of tequila for every time I heard someone in witchy land say that, I would be wasted. But what does it actually MEAN on a practical every day level? In this episode I talk about one of these every day sacred places for me: the grocery store. I also discuss how eating, making, and learning about food can ignite our senses and reconnect us to the magic and beauty of all that is.
Read MoreHas your witchcraft flopped? Do your spells always fail? Are you not sure what you believe or why? In today’s episode of the Secrets of a Witch podcast, I give 5 reasons why focusing on the spiritual and cosmological is an absolute must for any witch, whether budding or experienced.
Read MoreWoohoo! In this episode I share a little about my Magic May group challenge experience, how it went, how I felt about it, and give a lil secret announcement.
Read MoreIn this episode I go over both my ideal student - the PERFECT kinds of students for Magic Without Bullshit… aaaand… I also list out a bunch of things that mean this course might actually not be for you. This course isn’t about everything, nor is it for everyone. Not sure which category you fall under? Listen to find out! Learn more about Magic Without Bullshit and sign up by emailing me: ceo@sabrinamscott.com
Read MoreIn this episode I answer some of the most common questions about my big ass magic course, Magic Without Bullshit!
Read MoreOn this episode of Secrets of a Witch, I give an in depth overview of the curriculum for my Magic Without Bullshit course. If you’re not sure what I get into in the course, as well as how and why I teach the information I teach in the order I do, you’ll want to listen to this episode! I also share a meaningful testimonial, and share some of my own past journey of rejecting new teachings and new growth.
Read MoreIn this episode I chat a little about the qualities of students who get the most out of my Magic Without Bullshit course. Is this you? I’d love to hear from you!
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