Posts tagged abuse
It’s Okay To Admit You Are Not A Bad Bitch! Vulnerability After Heartbreak Is Healthy | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 83

Hi friends! In this episode I discuss something I’ve seen a lot of, mostly after women end a relationship with a man who ended up using them, playing them, lying to them, cheating on them, or whatever else. The fact is, no, you aren’t a baddie with high queen life standards if you see the warning signs and ignore them. Yes, shitty people are shitty, it’s true - all bugs are attracted to the light, both ones that bite and ones that are beautiful: once we get a glimpse of who someone is, we get to choose who and what we entertain. It’s okay to take off our mask, admit we got played, get vulnerable, and really examine ourselves to avoid something similar in the future. In this episode I talk about how this is unavoidable, actually, if we want to heal these wounds around worthiness, discernment, and abandonment in dating.

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Did I Attract That Terrible Thing/Person? | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 48

In this episode, I break down a common misconception around spiritual attraction principles - that being, that if anything awful happens to us, we must have attracted it and it must be our fault. I give my take on what’s really going on and how we can best work with our spiritual practice to uplift us, rather than bring us down.

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Past Lives, Soul Mates, Twin Flames: If There’s Abuse Involved, GTFO! | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 45

In this episode I break down something I’ve seen soooo often in spiritual spaces - the idea of soul mates, twin flames, or finding a lover that we have also been with in a past life. Unfortunately, a lot of people are soooo attached to the idea of soul mates or twin flames, that they use these spiritual concepts to excuse or ignore abuse, bad behaviour, addiction, dysfunction, or any other sketchiness. In this episode I talk about what approach to take instead, and what I REALLY think about soul mate love.

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Sneaky Manipulation and Abuse Psychology in Coaching | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 44

Very subtle, hard to pick up on - and I feel the need to talk about it! I fully believe in coaching and online courses, I’ve taken tons and it’s changed my life! I offer courses and mentorship for a reason - because it works! That being said, I’ve noticed some sketchy vibes even from coaches who have something valuable to say. I break this down a bit and share some things I’ve noticed, in this episode! I don’t want to paint everyone in the space with a bad brush, obvi - but there’s some sneaky shit I wish folks didn’t do. I talk about that in this episode.

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Understanding the Basics of Abuse Psychology | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 43

Okay, I know this isn’t about witchcraft - but guess what? Witches are, above all, PEOPLE. And if I had a dollar for every time someone emailed me crying over someone who was very clearly abusive, I would be a bazillionaire. In this episode I explain the basics of abuse psychology as I understand it - the fundamentals of how it works, how people get sucked in, what kind of relationships this can happen in, and some basic warning signs to look out for. It can be hard to get out of these connections once they really get rolling; listen to this episode to learn big red flags and signs that you absolutely need to disconnect. I end with a pep talk for anyone going through something hot and cold - love does NOT have to feel that way! Sometimes the best magic is to LEAVE. Sending everyone love and good energy! If you find this episode healing or helpful, please share it with a friend or loved one who could benefit.

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Keep Yourself Safe: Warning Signs That Someone Is Manipulative | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 31

Whew ok this is a big but very important topic! In this episode, I discuss common behaviours done by manipulators and compare them to how healthy people behave in the same situations. Manipulation can be very sneaky and hard to spot, that’s why it’s often so successful and can be so hard to escape from! Manipulative behaviour is also a bit of a warning sign for possible abuse to come, so it is important that everyone becomes familiar with these tactics. A tendency to manipulate is a massive red flag for anyone in your life, be it friend, lover, or coworker. Learn the warning signs in this episode and keep yourself safe!

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