Posts tagged integrity
Authenticity and Loss: You Can’t Have One Without the Other | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 182

In this episode, I talk about the relationship between authenticity and loss, and how they are truly inseparable and intertwined. However, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I also discuss the importance of honouring others in their authenticity, even if it means they aren’t for us and we aren’t for them.

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Tell Her: Or, the Importance of Doing the Right Thing | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 155

Married dudes sliding into my DMs and asking me out on dates - how fun! Did I tell the wife? Of course! Sadly this isn’t the first time this has happened and likely won’t be the last. In this episode I talk about integrity, honesty, values, and the importance of doing the right thing even when it’s hard. This can help our spiritual growth, too.

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It’s 2024! The Tower, Rejecting Tribalism, and Choosing Spiritual Integration | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 151

Hello hello friends!! You may have noticed that this podcast has changed its name… more on that soon! Anyway - happy 2024! In this episode I talk a bit about the new year and the energy of 2024 that I’ve felt bubbling up, the challenges this year will bring us energetically, and how to make the best of it. I also talk about quiet quitting in friendships, ghosting, increasing divisiveness and tribalism, rejection of multiplicity and diversity, and how we can choose spiritual integration instead of the two extremes of spiritual bypassing and getting sucked into the internet outrage machine and soapbox echo chamber politics. There is a middle path, and we can choose it. Why do people choose outrage? I get into that a bit too, and address the addiction to excitement many people with trauma don’t overcome. Overall it is a jam packed episode that covers a ton of diverse topics - food for thought as we release the old and welcome the new.

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Why It’s Easier Long Term To Move With Integrity | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 143

It can be hard as hell to live in alignment with our values - at first. But over time, it gets easier and easier, and catapults us into a life that feels uncomplicated and aligned. In this episode I talk a bit about this, and my own journey around these topics. I also share the most common reason folks come to me for tarot readings, and how holding our breath for the potential of other people can be a death sentence.

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Why Honesty Is Crucial For Living Your Best Life | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 105

In this episode, I discuss the current culture of fear around fully expressing ourselves. We are not in an expressive, heart open, anything goes, experimental and experiential culture - we’re in a moment where there are good opinions and bad opinions, moral identities and immoral identities. Nuance has all but disappeared, and anyone who dare be a little more complicated in their thought can look forward to being publicly shamed. In this episode I discuss why honesty is too important to abandon, and how when we halt our speech and expression, we block ourselves mentally, emotionally, and can even cause physical health issues.

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Why You Should Read Heretical and Banned Books: Challenge Yourself and Open Your Mind | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 104

Hi friends! In today’s episode of the Secrets of a Witch podcast, I talk about the importance of reading books we are a little wary of reading, whether that’s because they’re banned, or because we may think or be afraid that the content is heretical or offensive. I’ve observed so much fear in the past few days around certain ideas, and the idea that being around or in contact with certain books/ideas is contagious in a bad way, infecting the ideologically “pure.” I think it’s important for all of us to explore, experiment, expand our minds, and challenge ourselves to experience a diversity of perspectives. Only then are we really able to figure out what we ourselves actually think! Listen to this episode to learn my perspective on all this, and I share a few recommendations to get started on what is currently “heretical.”

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Lowering My Tarot Rates, Following Intuitive Hits, and Tarot as Transformative | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 100

Hi friends! Guess what? For the first time in… ever? I’m lowering my tarot rates. Why? I felt like it! In this episode - which honestly felt a little bit like a spiritual sermon or channelling session - I discuss why I followed my intuition to do something every business coach ever tells you not to do (lower rates), and why right now felt like the right time. I also talk about the importance of trusting our guts on big decisions, the difference between intuition and paranoia or worry, and how knowing we can change our minds in alignment with our intuition can be very freeing. I share why I get annual readings from someone else, as well as why outside perspectives are important for all of us. I share how I approach tarot and why a tarot reading with me is one of the most transformative experiences you’ll ever get!

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Identity and Identity Politics are Boring. Who Are You Really? | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 96

In this episode, I share a bit about how and why I am extremely over the age of identity politics. Over the last decade, the focus on identity has shifted from inclusive and positive, to nasty, essentialist, and exclusionary, with an emphasis on rewarding victim mentalities and with identity being a fast-track to being right, and also as a replacement for any actual argument. I talk a bit about what I’m interested in right now instead of identity: character and values.

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Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 85

In this episode, I share a really confusing miscommunication blunder I experienced this week - fascinating! I talk about the importance of clear and direct communication, and how limiting beliefs are often a big contributor to miscommunication and misunderstanding. Everyone wins when we learn to challenge our limiting worldviews, communicate our truth, and take people at their word. In this episode I share a bit about how these things are connected.

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