Hi friends! In this episode I share three big signs your life would wildly improve if you actually took a moment to take your magical practice seriously. I see SO many people in the witchy community who stay at the confused newbie level for literally years, sometimes even decades. I share the big glaring warning signs it’s time to change that. If you wanna make this big important change and begin to take learning magic seriously, I invite you to join the best magic course on the internet: Magic Without Bullshit.
Read MoreHi friends! Guess what? I’m relaunching my big ass comprehensive course on witchcraft and magic - Magic Without BS. Why did I make this course? Well, I got sick of watching so many lovely people flounder in their passion for magic. It made me sad to see people still confused after being in the witchy community for more than 10 years… and I wanted to provide a solution in the form of an online course, jam packed with all my knowledge on energetic mechanics, spirituality, philosophy, and actual magical techniques, PLUS the option to get community and group coaching from me for 6 months. Whenever I’ve launched this course I’ve seen people transform and thrive, and I know this cohort will be no different. If you’ve been into magic for ages but still feel a bit lost, this course is for you. And if you’ve already enrolled in Magic Without BS as a past student… email me about the top up investment to join us for group coaching. Any questions before we launch on Monday May 29? Holla!
Read MoreHey friends! As we pivot slightly into talking about magic, in this episode I share what I believe are the three biiiggggeeesstt mistakes magic learners make - whether you’ve been a magical newbie for five minutes or five years. Oh, yeah - and I include some lil tips on what to do instead.
Read MoreHey friends! In this episode, I go back to my roots and talk a bit about magic. What the hell is it? What can it do for us, what can it teach us, how does it work, and how can it improve our lives? The big fun questions! I spill the beans on what magic is for anyone who is a lil confused, and I share some of my unique perspectives about magic.
Read MoreIn this episode, I chat a little about this past Mother’s Day and how it was for me - in truth, I forgot it was Mother’s Day - and wow, what a blessing to be at a place on my healing journey that I was able to not know, and then when I knew, I enjoyed it instead of being triggered. I found out it was Mother’s Day when I went to zoom church - and received a message from some departed women on my mother’s side. I explain a bit about Spiritualist mediumship and my experience having certain spirit connections unlocked and/or deepened. I also discuss mentoring as a form of mothering, and how important it is to mother ourselves, no matter how old we are.
Read MoreThe extremely online culture of excessive over validation needs to vamoose. I am over it! In this episode I discuss why no, not everything is valid, not all advice is valid, and no, not all feelings or thoughts are valid; why it’s ok (and even hopeful) that this is true, and how (and why) to come to terms with and ground ourselves in reality, and live an empowered emotionally sober life that isn’t reliant on being validated by others.
Read MoreOkay so this episode is a little bit of a rant… stick with me though. Over the last few years, witchy and spiritual spaces have been inundated with the rhetoric of the oppression olympics, a narcissistic over-fixation on identity, and an obsession with personal injury. In this episode I talk a bit about some of the conversations I’ve observed lately, particularly a knee jerk response to (and rejection of) “low vibe” and “high vibe” rhetoric. I give a contrary perspective, which is that we can accept ourselves no matter where we are on our journey. Shame is optional, and so is the rejection of happy and helpful concepts. A deep episode, lol!
Read MoreWith all this babble about feminine and masculine energy, you might be over there like - Sabrina, this is boring. I don’t care about romance. What about friendship? Well, in this episode, I got’chu! I talk about some examples of how feminine energy and masculine energy can show up in unhealthy ways in friendship - and why when polarity is the norm in a friendship, it’s a warning sign that something unhealthy is going on.
Read MoreUnfortunately, I’ve seen a lot of people so eager for signs, omens, and spiritual validation that they get scammed, hoodwinked, and fooled. It makes me so upset! It’s possible to be spiritual, follow your intuition, pay attention to the vibes, AND keep your connection to logic and emotional sobriety. In this episode I give some examples of when people fuck this up and talk about how to reconcile our desire for spiritual validation with our ability to use our brains.
Read MoreHi friends! In this episode I talk a bit about budget friendly witchcraft, working with inexpensive materials in your spiritual practice, and why the universe and your spiritual team likely won’t care that much. Wanna learn all my witchcraft on a budget tips? Join Recession Era Witchcraft!
Read MoreYes, it’s true! Going to check out live music can teach you a lot about noticing energy - and riding its waves. In this episode I talk a bit about this and use the concert I went to on Saturday as an example!
Read MoreToday is Beltane! And guess what? I don’t care, and you don’t have to either! A lot of the witchy space is full of obligation energy around witchy (Wiccan, really) holidays - and I’m here to give you some permission to create your own wheel of the year and holy days, unique to you and your own experience. In this episode I talk about how to do that and give some examples! And of course - Magic May begins TODAY?
Read MoreThis episode is inspired by a podcast called Astray, which I binged over the weekend! The podcast follows the stories of Western men who went to India to find enlightenment, and ended up dead. In this episode, I discuss why people go elsewhere to find spiritual knowledge, what I think about that, and why/when it is and isn’t appropriate. If you’re not sure how to infuse your mundane daily life with magic and deep spirituality, you should check out my two books on how to do just that: Witchbody, and Curse and Cure: Magic for Real Life. Both books can be found on Amazon.
Read MoreIn this episode I talk about ancestor work. Of course, we all know about inter generational trauma, family dynamics and how dysfunctional systems get handed down from generation to generation within families. But what about the traumas, habits, narratives, and beliefs specific to our female and women ancestors in our lineage? In this episode I talk about why looking at gender and ancestral narratives and experiences are so important in understanding and healing our own traumas, energies, and lives - as witches, and as creators of our reality.
Read MoreDare to care about YOU! This is the beauty of feminine energy. It’s not about bagging the guy or always getting nice gifts and flowers and trips (or whatever it is you’re aching for) - tho that absolutely does happen for many women who are able to embody a feminine vibration. All of that is the icing on the cake. What feminine energy is really about is also in many ways what magic is about: shifting consciousness at will. Intentionally transforming our energy. Cultivating inner peace, contentedness, acceptance, non-immediacy, and trust in the self. Feminine energy has healed my codependency, anxiety in relating, fears of abandonment, as well as scarcity fears. Feminine energy is about expanding our capacity to feel, to be present, to receive. What’s more magical than that?
Read MoreHi friends! In today’s episode I talk about how it feels to look back at old photos and see how far we have come. If you haven’t done this in a while I would really recommend it! I talk about the cataclysmic moments that led to me divorcing my family, weathering the storm, healing, and levelling up. Also, soft launch of my first big ass course since 2020, Feminine Energy Without Bullshit, is tonight!
Read MoreWhat a time!! There’s SO much great energy swirling around right now - I describe what it is, and how to tap into it. Magic doesn’t have to be a 5 hour highly ceremonial vibe - it can be simple, easy, accessible. Don’t miss out on these gorgeous vibes! I give some suggestions on how to connect with ease, and make the best of the energy of this moment.
Read MoreThis isn’t gonna go the direction you think it’s gonna go - but trust me, it’s worth a listen. In this episode I work with some concepts I’ve talked about in previous episodes (disempowered masculinity, feminine/masculine polarity, manipulation red flags, healthy masculine paving the way for healthy feminine, how feminine energy is protective) and analyze the unhealthy dynamic we see between Jackie and Marshall. Spoiler alert: I’m not a Marshall fan, and believe there is more than meets the eye, that we can all take note and learn from.
Read MoreHi friends! First of all, the podcast broke 10k downloads in just over 2 months - WOOHOO! Thank you so much!! In this episode I share a bit about some upcoming offerings around feminine energy, why this is my most vulnerable work to date, why it scares the ever living daylights out of me and why I’m so committed to sharing these ideas with the world anyway. I’m prelaunching Feminine Energy Without BS next week - I hope you can come to the party! And I’m looking for 3 more women for significantly reduced rates for one on one coaching around feminine energy - let me know if this is you!
Read MoreHaters! It’s a thing. It’s an annoying thing! You might say, Well Sabrina, I love hating on things! But guess what? Engaging in critique isn’t the same thing as being a hater. In this episode I talk about reality TV, being a person on social media, parasocial relationships, control, and why being a hater isn’t cute after all - and what kinda behaviour would be better to embrace instead.
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