Posts tagged energetic polarity
Not All Online Courses Are Cults: Initial Thoughts on the Twin Flames Netflix Documentary | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 133

Have y’all seen that insane new Netflix documentary, Escaping Twin Flames Universe? It’s an insane whirlwind of an online spiritual cult and shares some testimonies of people who have escaped it. Unfortunately, this group operated online. In this episode, I talk about the cult and how fucked up and crazy it is - that isn’t really something to doubt - and I also talk about how these folks give a bad name to online courses, online course creators, and online coaches like myself and many others who do good and honest, authentic, heart felt work in the spiritual space. This will probably be the first episode of a few where I talk about this. I share a bit about how online communities were life changing for me both as an adult and a suburban teen, and how every industry has its insane people, scammers, and charlatans.

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Why 50/50 Isn’t the Vibe, Bitter Women, and the Shame of Not Being Given To | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 82

In this episode, we are back to talking about feminine and masculine energy. I discuss why a 50/50 split is actually often not good for romantic relationships. I also discuss some of what I’ve observed around vicious, bitter women and their shame of not being given to by the men they date - and how these women often will lash out at women who have indeed figured out feminine energy and enjoy being given to. Feminine energy is all about the ease and joy of receiving. Listen to the full episode for more!

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Healthy Masculine and Feminine Polarity in Communication | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 52

In this episode I talk about a mini coaching sesh I did with someone over DMs about masculine and feminine energy in communication, in a romantic context. Masculine and feminine energy can be vague and hard to understand at first - so in this episode I give a clear example with one simple convo as a place to start. I’m sure some of y’all will know this this, but for y’all who don’t - understanding energetic polarity is so crucial and magical!

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What is Wounded Masculine Energy? | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 4

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, I discuss something I’ve never really spoken publicly about - the difference between wounded and empowered masculine energy, and how to spot healthy men. I also discuss the power of energetic polarity in dating, and why this has made my life about 100x better. This is something that took me decades to learn, and I’m excited to share with you!

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