In this episode, I talk about the importance of consistency, predictability, and reliability in all relationships, but especially romantic ones. Consistency creates emotional safety and trust in relationships, which creates more space for authentic intimacy to blossom. Listen to learn more about why this is so important. (And, side note: this isn't about perfectionism, but rather healthy emotionality and relating.)
Read MoreIn this Aries full moon (!) episode of the Claim Your Magic Podcast with Sabrina Scott, I talk about how trauma has layers to it - we can heal significantly, and then loop back to learn similar lessons at a different stage of healing from a different vantage point. I also discuss reaction time (and appropriate reactions) in relation to trauma, and share some personal anecdotes of men who try to 'humble' women - and what I want for us all instead. (Spoiler: Confident, happy people who completely own what they're good at, and who support others in their joy, art, achievements, and creativity!)
Read MoreHi friends! Controversial podcast episode alert! Do you absolutely HATE when people are “flaky” - or don’t always follow through and come to plans? If so, this may be a sign that you actually betray your own boundaries on the regular, say yes when you wanna say no, and expect others to do the same. There’s other ways to live! In this episode I break down my take on this and talk about how we can all live lives that are more curious, peaceful, and understanding.
Read MoreHi all! First of all, HAPPY SUMMER SOLSTICE! After some chat about how to honour this magical moment, I discuss dating dynamics among men and women today, and remind women of the importance of keeping our standards high - respecting our own dreams for our lives and not allowing anyone to bully us out of our desires, no matter how cute they are.
Read MoreIn this short but sweet episode, I debunk a common misconception about feminine energy: that it’s all about fawning, people pleasing, being bubbly, and always in a good mood. Actually, you can connect with your feminine energy and be even more of a bitch! Listen to learn how.
Read MoreWith all this babble about feminine and masculine energy, you might be over there like - Sabrina, this is boring. I don’t care about romance. What about friendship? Well, in this episode, I got’chu! I talk about some examples of how feminine energy and masculine energy can show up in unhealthy ways in friendship - and why when polarity is the norm in a friendship, it’s a warning sign that something unhealthy is going on.
Read MoreIn an era where identity seems to usurp everything… should women always support other women? Should people of the same identity always big each other up without thought? In this episode I look at both sides of this debate and offer my thoughts on how to exist amidst today’s tensions between identity and character.
Read MoreIt’s okay if people don’t get you. In this episode I talk about the importance of being true to ourselves and stepping into the authentic expression of who we really are - even if it means challenging long-held scripts that others have created about who we are.
Read MoreWho’s in your life impacts your vibe - it’s true on a mundane level, but on a spiritual level, too. In this episode I talk about friend breakups, and the spiritual logistics of how hanging on to people who are unaligned with you is just you fucking your own shit up. In this episode I talk about what approach to take instead, and why.
Read MoreI said what I said y’all! In this episode, I break down the “I’m too nice, that’s why I keep having terrible experiences” excuse - I explain what that statement actually means, why it sucks, and what anyone who feels that way can do in their lives instead.
Read MoreThose long time friends not really the vibe anymore? Trust me, it happens - and I know how painful it can be to come to terms with outgrowing the people in our lives. In this episode I talk about some examples from my own life, what I did next, and why it was the right choice. Who we surround ourselves with - and who we let into our lives - really does matter. In this podcast episode I talk about why, and what to do when you feel unaligned with the folks around you.
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