Happy full moon friends! In this episode I talk all about today’s full moon in Leo, what the energy is (I’ll call it a quiet, solitary self focus), how to work with it, and why you’d want to.
Read MoreHi friends! In this episode I talk a bit about my feminine energy journey and how it impacted my life, my relationship with myself, and my witchcraft.
Read MoreOver the years, it has broken my heart to see so many lovely, amazing people - especially women - give so much of their energy, time, and patience to those who don’t deserve it. Sometimes this can be out of a misplaced hopefulness, and sometimes it can be due to a scarcity mindset and an idea that we just have to tolerate misalignment. When we elevate our standards (yes, for ourselves, too, we aren’t off the hook!), we elevate our lives.
Read MoreIn this episode, I talk about how my relationship to sex and my body has changed over time. As a young adult, I explored a lot, completely without emotion - having sex like many young men do. As I’ve gotten older, I have come to see the value in “the snail method” - taking sex super slowly, and getting to know (really really get to know) potential new partners before getting physical. I realize this is a spicy and contentious topic, and that I may get accused of slut shaming. I’m thankful for my experiences in my youth, they made me a confident and savvy woman in regards to sexuality. That being said, I do think a lot of adult women are having sex in ways that don’t benefit them, with men who don’t respect them. In this episode I talk about my perspective on that phenomenon, and how single ladies can avoid this very vulnerable kind of heartbreak of being sexually used.
Read MoreHi all! First of all, HAPPY SUMMER SOLSTICE! After some chat about how to honour this magical moment, I discuss dating dynamics among men and women today, and remind women of the importance of keeping our standards high - respecting our own dreams for our lives and not allowing anyone to bully us out of our desires, no matter how cute they are.
Read MoreDare to care about YOU! This is the beauty of feminine energy. It’s not about bagging the guy or always getting nice gifts and flowers and trips (or whatever it is you’re aching for) - tho that absolutely does happen for many women who are able to embody a feminine vibration. All of that is the icing on the cake. What feminine energy is really about is also in many ways what magic is about: shifting consciousness at will. Intentionally transforming our energy. Cultivating inner peace, contentedness, acceptance, non-immediacy, and trust in the self. Feminine energy has healed my codependency, anxiety in relating, fears of abandonment, as well as scarcity fears. Feminine energy is about expanding our capacity to feel, to be present, to receive. What’s more magical than that?
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