Posts tagged negativity
The Barbie Movie and the Scapegoating and Hatred of Beautiful Women | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 95

Hi friends! In this episode of the Secrets of a Witch podcast, I discuss some of my initial thoughts about the Barbie movie (I know, I’m also shocked I watched it)! A lot of analyses have been circulating but in my own commentary I focus on the widespread scapegoating and hatred of beauty, and symbols of beauty, whether they be dolls or real life human beings. I also discuss triggers, and how strange it is that people will deal with their own triggers or insecurities by hating a doll or by hating women they are threatened by or would like to be. I discuss a few other elements of the film as well. I hope you’ll listen, and that what I say will be at least somewhat thought provoking!

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Negative Mindset? You Might Have an External Locus of Control (And Why It Can Ruin Your Life) | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 90

Hello friends! In this episode I discuss negative mindset, complaining about stupid shit, and explain why and how a negative outlook and interpretive lens is ultimately linked to an external locus of control. If your locus of control stays external, you’ll likely suffer unnecessarily until you are able to heal and reorient. In this episode I give examples about all this, and how I recommend we orient and heal instead.

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It’s Not What You Attract, It’s What You Entertain | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 33

One thing a lot of folks dabbling in manifestation and the law of attraction (and really any kind of sympathetic magic that involves summoning something to us) get wrong is the idea that if something crappy happens, it’s because we attracted it, if we get treated badly by someone we manifested it. Well, no! In this episode I explain how our bright light can attract all kinds of bugs, pretty ones and mean ones; the problem isn’t the bugs (so to speak), but which ones we choose to entertain and make time for. Reconnect with your agency around the law of attraction with this episode!

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TFW You Get Bitch Slapped By Your Tarot Cards (Ignore Them At Your Peril) | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 30

It’s happened to you, it’s happened to me - you know what I’m talking about. When you totally ignore the advice your tarot cards give you (“avoid that person/place/thing!”) and… it doesn’t go well for you, LOL. Sometimes - and um, maybe even often - the tarot can tell us stuff that we really don’t want to hear, and it can be sooo tempting to just ignore them and go live life. In this episode I explain how I too have learned this the hard way, as recently as… today! I also give tips for how to interpret and move through this kind of experience, why you shouldn’t beat yourself up, and what to pull cards on next.

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Don’t Avoid Your Emotions! Feeling is Healing | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 26

Ok, I know I know - I can be a bit “take no prisoners” at times, but underneath it, I am warm and fuzzy. As much as I advocate a bit of a decisive cutthroat vibe at times, I do believe that feeling our feelings is important, and even deeply physically and emotionally healing. In this episode, I talk about the importance of feeling our feelings, seeing big feelings as gifts and lessons, and the importance of meeting our feelings with openness and curiosity.

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You’re Not Too Nice, You Just Have No Boundaries | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 16

I said what I said y’all! In this episode, I break down the “I’m too nice, that’s why I keep having terrible experiences” excuse - I explain what that statement actually means, why it sucks, and what anyone who feels that way can do in their lives instead.

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What To Do When You Outgrow Your Friends | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 13

Those long time friends not really the vibe anymore? Trust me, it happens - and I know how painful it can be to come to terms with outgrowing the people in our lives. In this episode I talk about some examples from my own life, what I did next, and why it was the right choice. Who we surround ourselves with - and who we let into our lives - really does matter. In this podcast episode I talk about why, and what to do when you feel unaligned with the folks around you.

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