In this episode, I take y’all for a snowy night time walk with me! I explain how this is a spiritual, intuitive exercise and how changing our surroundings every now and then can infuse our days with magic and fresh energy.
Read MoreIn this age of the internet and global connection, it’s common for DMs to be slid into by random ass people we may never have heard of. It may be tempting to see these messages as signs from god/spirit/whatever, especially when they talk about “divine channelling” and “downloads” and “I was told YOU NEED ME TO HEAL YOU” - it can be easy to be swept up if we are in a vulnerable place. However, most of these people are fucking crazy - either mentally unwell or simply scammers. Unfortunately both are equally likely and so discernment of who we allow into our energetic space to “heal” us is of the utmost importance. In this episode I talk about this problem so rampant as it is in the larger spiritual community, and some tips for better discernment.
Read MoreHow did I spend the first moments of my birthday, and why? In this short but sweet episode I talk a bit about the magic and potency of the first minutes and hours of any day - and how we can work with that in a spiritual way, with intention, to manifest our best selves and best life. Wanna grab a course of mine as a bday gift? Creep around! You can do so at
Read MoreHi friends! In this episode I talk a bit about my feminine energy journey and how it impacted my life, my relationship with myself, and my witchcraft.
Read MoreOver the years, it has broken my heart to see so many lovely, amazing people - especially women - give so much of their energy, time, and patience to those who don’t deserve it. Sometimes this can be out of a misplaced hopefulness, and sometimes it can be due to a scarcity mindset and an idea that we just have to tolerate misalignment. When we elevate our standards (yes, for ourselves, too, we aren’t off the hook!), we elevate our lives.
Read MoreA lot of people cling to what they don’t like - things, people, jobs, whatever. They often do this because they’re afraid there isn’t anything or anyone better out there - a classic scarcity mindset. However, that just keeps us all trapped. When we embrace the energy of The Fool tarot card and take a bold leap into faith in the mystery… beautiful things and people show up for us.
Read MoreLike attracts like. Vibes attract vibes. Y’all may totally hate this with every ounce of your being, but it’s absolutely true - our energies, our openness, our playfulness and ability to be present and positive as we go about our daily business, go to parties and networking events, and even grab groceries… all of that influences the type of life we have, and the kind of interactions we have and the people we meet. In this episode I explain a bit about this, the importance of opening our vibe, and how when we flirt with the world and universe, the universe and the world often flirt right back. This episode includes a fun little homework about this, for Tuesday’s upcoming gorgeous full moon.
Read MoreIn this episode, we are back to talking about feminine and masculine energy. I discuss why a 50/50 split is actually often not good for romantic relationships. I also discuss some of what I’ve observed around vicious, bitter women and their shame of not being given to by the men they date - and how these women often will lash out at women who have indeed figured out feminine energy and enjoy being given to. Feminine energy is all about the ease and joy of receiving. Listen to the full episode for more!
Read MoreOkay so this episode is a little bit of a rant… stick with me though. Over the last few years, witchy and spiritual spaces have been inundated with the rhetoric of the oppression olympics, a narcissistic over-fixation on identity, and an obsession with personal injury. In this episode I talk a bit about some of the conversations I’ve observed lately, particularly a knee jerk response to (and rejection of) “low vibe” and “high vibe” rhetoric. I give a contrary perspective, which is that we can accept ourselves no matter where we are on our journey. Shame is optional, and so is the rejection of happy and helpful concepts. A deep episode, lol!
Read MoreIn this episode I talk about a mini coaching sesh I did with someone over DMs about masculine and feminine energy in communication, in a romantic context. Masculine and feminine energy can be vague and hard to understand at first - so in this episode I give a clear example with one simple convo as a place to start. I’m sure some of y’all will know this this, but for y’all who don’t - understanding energetic polarity is so crucial and magical!
Read MoreIn this episode, I break down a common misconception around spiritual attraction principles - that being, that if anything awful happens to us, we must have attracted it and it must be our fault. I give my take on what’s really going on and how we can best work with our spiritual practice to uplift us, rather than bring us down.
Read MoreThere’s more to witchcraft than just witchcraft. Many folks in the community may not want to admit it, but it’s true - and this key factor is I think part of why we see so many witchy folks who are drenched in their own misery, and wondering why magic won’t get ‘em out of it. In this episode I talk about what I mean by all of this, why magic alone isn’t enough, and what it means to have an ecosystem of self care and growth.
Read MoreY’all - the time right now is so potent, so juicy, so brimming with possibility, rebirth, creativity, and fun. Even if you’re an artist every day and have sex regularly, that’s no guarantee that you’re living in alignment with the sacral chakra - the zesty life force passion wave of life, where you’re brimming with vitality, not just happy in life but on the edge of ecstasy. This vibe pairs so well with the Spring Equinox, and Aries season! In this episode I talk all about my recent unlocking of my sacral chakra, and how I did it - and why you might want to too. The sacral chakra is the second from the bottom - and unlocks once our inner child has enough safety, stability, and security to play, to move, to intuit, to giggle! It’s also our centre for art, creation, and sexual fire.
Read MoreEveryone under the sun thinks they’re cursed. It’s wild! If I had a dollar every time someone emailed me to tell me how cursed they are, I would be a millionaire. However, almost no one is cursed - it’s more often than not just a case of really flimsy spiritual protection. In this episode, I lay out three massive signs that your spiritual protection sucks - or at least needs some improvement! - and what to do about it.
Read MoreOne thing a lot of folks dabbling in manifestation and the law of attraction (and really any kind of sympathetic magic that involves summoning something to us) get wrong is the idea that if something crappy happens, it’s because we attracted it, if we get treated badly by someone we manifested it. Well, no! In this episode I explain how our bright light can attract all kinds of bugs, pretty ones and mean ones; the problem isn’t the bugs (so to speak), but which ones we choose to entertain and make time for. Reconnect with your agency around the law of attraction with this episode!
Read MoreWhat’s an omen? How can you tell if it’s an actual omen from your spirit guides, or just the random chaos of the universe? In this episode I share a recent experience, what I learned from it, and how to be more open to the omens showing up in your life.
Read MoreSports! Most witches don’t give a fuck. But y’all should! In this episode I explain why and how going to live sports games can improve your witchy skills and enhance your energy work - the foundation of all magic.
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