Guided Journals
I currently have 4 guided journals available, for tarot, oracle cards, and witchcraft.
One of the most important factors in building a successful spiritual practice is developing a strong and rigorous practice of recording what you’re doing - whether that’s working with tarot or oracle cards, or engaging in magic and witchcraft, ritual, prayer, and devotion.
Though I have more ideas brewing, let me tell you about the guided journals I have out!
Card of the Day Guided Journal
Available both paperback and hardcover
This journal is for writing down and recording daily tarot readings! Each page has space to write down one card, but I often find myself writing out extended readings and additional cards in the margins.
Sabrina Scott's Card of the Day: A Guided Tarot Journal will lead you through different daily prompts, and contains places to mark moon phase, day of the week, and more, so you have the tools to notice patterns within your own spiritual and tarot practice. This guided journal contains 365 pages for you to fill in - are you up for the challenge to pull one card for yourself every day for a whole year? If not, work with this journal over a longer period of time, as you see fit. Watch your relationship with the cards - and yourself - grow and blossom.
Getting to Know the Cards Guided Journal
Available paperback
This journal is for developing an in depth relationship with each card - a true deep dive! There are 660 pages in this journal, with 7 pages of prompts for each card. By noticing patterns in your own readings, you’ll develop a better understanding of how tarot works and what each card actually means for you.
With 7 pages for you to fill in for each card in the tarot, this tarot journal packs a punch! Write in your first impressions, symbols you notice, interpretations for upright vs reversed, as well as any questions you still have about each card. The journal is a large size to make room for all of your ideas and interpretations!
This journal is designed to help you notice patterns in your readings. For instance, do you usually pull the reversed King of Cups when the person you're dating turns out to be emotionally malicious? Do you always pull Death when it's time to switch jobs? Deepen your understandings of each card by recording these noticings, all in one place.
If you work with multiple decks with very different art, and you're into getting into advanced tarot, Sabrina recommends one journal per deck, to really fully explore each deck's symbolism. If you're a beginner, one journal for multiple decks can suffice. Happy tarot reading!
Daily Oracle Card Guided Journal
Available both paperback and hardcover
Need a place to record your oracle card readings, not just tarot readings? This journal is for you! With places to draw out and write down each card from each deck you pull from, you'll be guided to reflect on themes showing up in the group of cards you pull.
Personally, I find oracle readings work best when we pull multiple cards from multiple decks, and notice the patterns and themes. This journal was designed with that in mind!
There is also space for your interpretations, as well as how you plan to incorporate the cards' wisdom into your day. Great for use with multiple oracle card decks.
You could absolutely work with this journal for any kind of multi card reading, but is designed more for use with oracle cards. Also potentially a fit for Lenormand and Belline styles of decks.
Book of Magical Rituals Guided Journal
Available both paperback and hardcover
A great journal to record all your spells and rituals! Build your own and very personal book of shadows.
A key component of doing witchcraft and magic is the recording of rituals - especially when we're newer in our practice. In this journal - which is the exact same size as Sabrina's "how-to" magic book, Curse and Cure - Sabrina has created the ideal place to write down your rituals - what you did and how they went.
There's also space to record what the results of the ritual were, so you'll be able to track your progress, your magical successes, and where to improve. Significantly smaller than Sabrina's tarot journals, so you can easily toss it in your bag on a magical jaunt through the forest, the beach, or on city streets.
And don't forget to loop back! How'd your ritual go? Was it a success? Make plans for how to adjust your rituals to get better results next time.