Posts tagged rejection
Tell Her: Or, the Importance of Doing the Right Thing | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 155

Married dudes sliding into my DMs and asking me out on dates - how fun! Did I tell the wife? Of course! Sadly this isn’t the first time this has happened and likely won’t be the last. In this episode I talk about integrity, honesty, values, and the importance of doing the right thing even when it’s hard. This can help our spiritual growth, too.

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When You Reject What You Don’t Want, You Make Room For What You Do | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 94

A lot of people cling to what they don’t like - things, people, jobs, whatever. They often do this because they’re afraid there isn’t anything or anyone better out there - a classic scarcity mindset. However, that just keeps us all trapped. When we embrace the energy of The Fool tarot card and take a bold leap into faith in the mystery… beautiful things and people show up for us.

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It’s Okay To Admit You Are Not A Bad Bitch! Vulnerability After Heartbreak Is Healthy | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 83

Hi friends! In this episode I discuss something I’ve seen a lot of, mostly after women end a relationship with a man who ended up using them, playing them, lying to them, cheating on them, or whatever else. The fact is, no, you aren’t a baddie with high queen life standards if you see the warning signs and ignore them. Yes, shitty people are shitty, it’s true - all bugs are attracted to the light, both ones that bite and ones that are beautiful: once we get a glimpse of who someone is, we get to choose who and what we entertain. It’s okay to take off our mask, admit we got played, get vulnerable, and really examine ourselves to avoid something similar in the future. In this episode I talk about how this is unavoidable, actually, if we want to heal these wounds around worthiness, discernment, and abandonment in dating.

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TFW You Get Bitch Slapped By Your Tarot Cards (Ignore Them At Your Peril) | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 30

It’s happened to you, it’s happened to me - you know what I’m talking about. When you totally ignore the advice your tarot cards give you (“avoid that person/place/thing!”) and… it doesn’t go well for you, LOL. Sometimes - and um, maybe even often - the tarot can tell us stuff that we really don’t want to hear, and it can be sooo tempting to just ignore them and go live life. In this episode I explain how I too have learned this the hard way, as recently as… today! I also give tips for how to interpret and move through this kind of experience, why you shouldn’t beat yourself up, and what to pull cards on next.

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Feeling Left Out? Be the Change! Create What You Wish Existed | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 25

Have you ever been left out? Not invited to the kewl kids’ party (or podcast, or book anthology thang, or conference, or or or)? Well, tbh, same - witchy and spiritual communities can be just as cliquey and rude as any other ol’ group of people. In this episode, I share the only ritual I ever did that completely was rejected by the universe (to find a ready-made spiritual community to plop happily right into), how I felt about it, lessons from it, and what I did next. I also give suggestions on what to do if you feel totally shunned by all the places you wanna be, or like you don’t belong. You got this - I promise.

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What To Do When You Outgrow Your Friends | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 13

Those long time friends not really the vibe anymore? Trust me, it happens - and I know how painful it can be to come to terms with outgrowing the people in our lives. In this episode I talk about some examples from my own life, what I did next, and why it was the right choice. Who we surround ourselves with - and who we let into our lives - really does matter. In this podcast episode I talk about why, and what to do when you feel unaligned with the folks around you.

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“NO” Means Next Opportunity | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 7

We’ve all experienced it - rejection! Maybe you get turned down from a promotion or a job interview, your partner dumps you, or maybe you realize that your crush isn’t as all that as you originally thought. Whatever the circumstance, it’s a “no” - from you, them, or the universe! In this episode I reframe what “no” means, so you can move forward with confidence and optimism - even when things don’t go how you think they would.

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