I share about what I learned from an ill advised situationship blowing up in my face. I broke some of my own rules, I knew better, and I played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. What red flags did I ignore? What did I learn from the experience? I mean, how DOES someone who made a podcast episode (two years ago!) about how bad and pointless situationships are, kinda end up in one? Listen to this episode to hear all about it (red flags of situationships or early dating) and learn from my mistakes so you don't make them. I also talk about how many of us know better yet break our own rules, and how it's so important to give ourselves grace, compassion, love, and forgiveness as we move forward with lessons and self worth.
Read MoreThis episode is about testing out our internal algorithms, our standard operating procedures, and the rules and regulations by which we lead our lives. I outline four of the main ways we - in my opinion - create these rules, and I discuss a recent example of breaking one of my own long-standing rules, how that went, and what I learned. What are the rules that create the boundaries of your own life? This episode will give you a lot to think about as you ponder your own life and circumstances.
Read MoreIn this episode, I talk about the importance of consistency, predictability, and reliability in all relationships, but especially romantic ones. Consistency creates emotional safety and trust in relationships, which creates more space for authentic intimacy to blossom. Listen to learn more about why this is so important. (And, side note: this isn't about perfectionism, but rather healthy emotionality and relating.)
Read MoreI've followed astrologer Chani Nicholas' work for over a decade, and travelled to LA to meet her in 2019. After being such a loyal supporter and fan of her work for so long, it's time for me to switch gears and divest my attention from her and other woke astrologers. In this episode, I critique some of Chani's recent content, as well as her need to re-record her astrological content once her candidate lost the American presidential election. I talk about why this behaviour paints spiritual people in a bad light, and why wokeness and political ideology have no place in contemporary astrology.
Read MoreFriends! Welcome to 2025! In this upcoming year of the snake (!) I talk about why this year should be your villain era - especially if you're freaked out by the idea. Also, psst, we are back to our original podcast name, woohoo! Expect this to be the podcast's forever title; at the top of the show, I explain what all went down and why there have been so many changes.
Read MoreIn this era of political polarization and a very interesting lack of empathy and intellectual openness, it's especially important to examine our own rhetorical styles as well as that of others. What typical appeals/arguments do people use? Do they appeal to extreme emotion, or to their own identity? In this episode, I use a recent dinner I had with two lefty New Yorkers as a jumping off point to discuss effective (and ineffective) ways of discussing ideas. I provide critiques, offer suggestions, and end with a provocative challenge to my listeners.
Read MoreWhy release a poetry book about healing from sexual violence and rape almost 11 years to the day after the fact? In this episode of the Claim Your Magic podcast with Sabrina Scott, I talk about my brand new (and first ever) collection of poems, why I'm releasing it now, and how creativity can help us heal from the traumas we've been through.
Read MoreYes, that's right! Contrary to popular belief, witchcraft doesn't actually have anything (inherently) to do with feminism. Can you be a witch and a feminist? Of course. But being a witch doesn't mean you have to have certain politics, or even have political inclinations and opinions at all - let alone work with them in your spirituality and magic. This episode was inspired by an experience I was very blessed to have recently: being asked to comment upon a book up for potential publication. I'm not naming names (and never will, that's not the point; also, these ideas are widespread), but it has become taken for granted in many spaces that witchcraft and far left politics are one and the same. In this episode I explain why that's not true. Also, a little update on my new poetry book, Rapeseed, and the successful Bodymagic Kickstarter campaign!
Read MoreGotta love a totally counterintuitive podcast episode title, haha! In this episode I talk all about how my first Kickstarter attempt failed big time, and why within 1 minute of giving up on it and hitting cancel...I created a new one, incorporating lessons learned. Fear of failure can be paralyzing, and a sign of trauma - movement through failure helps uplift us. In this episode, I talk about how! And psst: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sabrinascott/bodymagic
Read MoreIn this Aries full moon (!) episode of the Claim Your Magic Podcast with Sabrina Scott, I talk about how trauma has layers to it - we can heal significantly, and then loop back to learn similar lessons at a different stage of healing from a different vantage point. I also discuss reaction time (and appropriate reactions) in relation to trauma, and share some personal anecdotes of men who try to 'humble' women - and what I want for us all instead. (Spoiler: Confident, happy people who completely own what they're good at, and who support others in their joy, art, achievements, and creativity!)
Read MoreFrom eclipse season to eclipse season, the Claim Your Magic Podcast with Sabrina Scott returns! ...And guess what I've been up to during my time away? Well, painting a brand new book, of course!
Read MoreIn this episode, I talk about the relationship between authenticity and loss, and how they are truly inseparable and intertwined. However, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I also discuss the importance of honouring others in their authenticity, even if it means they aren’t for us and we aren’t for them.
Read MoreSomehow the thing my haters love to dunk on me the most is how I’ve had plastic surgery. Yes I have! And I have absolutely no shame about it. In this episode I talk about why plastics are soooo triggering to some people, the nature of authenticity, and how we can see plastics (and other stuff) as intentional acts of self-creation.
Read MoreHi friends! I really wish I didn’t have to make an episode on this topic, but I’ve seen a wave of specifically witchy influencers engage in apocalyptic and doomsday thinking. I’m not naming any names, but these are some big accounts. That, and we just had a woman who was an astrology influencer engage in family annihilation over the eclipse. As this line of thinking, unfortunately quite common in some fringes of the new age, becomes more common in witchy, pagan, astrology, and occult circles, I thought it would be a good idea to break this down a bit and give y’all some tips for things to look out for and pay attention to. Stay safe out there folks, and remember: trust yourself above all else.
Read MoreIn this episode I chat about my experience of the eclipse, and how I’ve felt in the days since as well as immediately afterwards. What lessons does this total solar eclipse have for all of us?
Read MoreSomething a little different today! Yesterday, for the total solar eclipse, I went on a pilgrimage to totality. In this episode I record my journey and you will hear the adventure to totality as well as totality itself. In future episodes I’ll talk more about how I feel now and how I’ve interpreted the experience, but for this episode it’s just eclipse day itself. I hope you enjoy!
Read MoreHi friends! ARE YOU EXCITED?! I’m excited! In a little more than 12 hours we will have a total solar eclipse bopping diagonally over North America, and I have to say I’m already buzzy with both apprehensive and excited vibes. In this podcast episode I talk eclipse viewing safety for anyone traveling to totality or planning to view the partial eclipse, and offer some tips for reflection and magic and alchemy for anyone going cocoon mode during this time and choosing not to view, or living somewhere where viewing isn’t possible. I also share when in the last few years this eclipse loops us back to. Happy eclipsing!
Read MoreHaven’t learned to love Mercury Retrograde yet?! Well, in this episode I chat a bit about some reasons why ya should; and how you can spend this time in a way that is restful, rejuvenating, and productive.
Read MoreHappy full moon lunar eclipse day my friends! In this episode I share about what the energy in the world is doing right now, how to understand this moment, and what to do about it.
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