Have you ever dated someone and felt more alone when you were with them, than when you were actually by yourself? In this episode I talk about a few recent tarot readings where the same exact cards came up, and what I learned from those cards (and, of course, what you can learn from these cards when they come up in your own tarot readings). Topics of the day include wounded masculine energy, the importance of recording your tarot readings, why the King of Cups reversed is a red flag in relationship readings, and two perfectly contrasting Swords cards. Join me?
Read MoreIn this short but sweet episode, I debunk a common misconception about feminine energy: that it’s all about fawning, people pleasing, being bubbly, and always in a good mood. Actually, you can connect with your feminine energy and be even more of a bitch! Listen to learn how.
Read MoreIn this episode, we are back to talking about feminine and masculine energy. I discuss why a 50/50 split is actually often not good for romantic relationships. I also discuss some of what I’ve observed around vicious, bitter women and their shame of not being given to by the men they date - and how these women often will lash out at women who have indeed figured out feminine energy and enjoy being given to. Feminine energy is all about the ease and joy of receiving. Listen to the full episode for more!
Read MoreWith all this babble about feminine and masculine energy, you might be over there like - Sabrina, this is boring. I don’t care about romance. What about friendship? Well, in this episode, I got’chu! I talk about some examples of how feminine energy and masculine energy can show up in unhealthy ways in friendship - and why when polarity is the norm in a friendship, it’s a warning sign that something unhealthy is going on.
Read MoreHi friends! In this episode I talk a bit about budget friendly witchcraft, working with inexpensive materials in your spiritual practice, and why the universe and your spiritual team likely won’t care that much. Wanna learn all my witchcraft on a budget tips? Join Recession Era Witchcraft!
Read MoreYes, it’s true! Going to check out live music can teach you a lot about noticing energy - and riding its waves. In this episode I talk a bit about this and use the concert I went to on Saturday as an example!
Read MoreIn this episode I talk about ancestor work. Of course, we all know about inter generational trauma, family dynamics and how dysfunctional systems get handed down from generation to generation within families. But what about the traumas, habits, narratives, and beliefs specific to our female and women ancestors in our lineage? In this episode I talk about why looking at gender and ancestral narratives and experiences are so important in understanding and healing our own traumas, energies, and lives - as witches, and as creators of our reality.
Read MoreDare to care about YOU! This is the beauty of feminine energy. It’s not about bagging the guy or always getting nice gifts and flowers and trips (or whatever it is you’re aching for) - tho that absolutely does happen for many women who are able to embody a feminine vibration. All of that is the icing on the cake. What feminine energy is really about is also in many ways what magic is about: shifting consciousness at will. Intentionally transforming our energy. Cultivating inner peace, contentedness, acceptance, non-immediacy, and trust in the self. Feminine energy has healed my codependency, anxiety in relating, fears of abandonment, as well as scarcity fears. Feminine energy is about expanding our capacity to feel, to be present, to receive. What’s more magical than that?
Read MoreThis isn’t gonna go the direction you think it’s gonna go - but trust me, it’s worth a listen. In this episode I work with some concepts I’ve talked about in previous episodes (disempowered masculinity, feminine/masculine polarity, manipulation red flags, healthy masculine paving the way for healthy feminine, how feminine energy is protective) and analyze the unhealthy dynamic we see between Jackie and Marshall. Spoiler alert: I’m not a Marshall fan, and believe there is more than meets the eye, that we can all take note and learn from.
Read MoreHi friends! First of all, the podcast broke 10k downloads in just over 2 months - WOOHOO! Thank you so much!! In this episode I share a bit about some upcoming offerings around feminine energy, why this is my most vulnerable work to date, why it scares the ever living daylights out of me and why I’m so committed to sharing these ideas with the world anyway. I’m prelaunching Feminine Energy Without BS next week - I hope you can come to the party! And I’m looking for 3 more women for significantly reduced rates for one on one coaching around feminine energy - let me know if this is you!
Read MoreAre you allergic to feminine energy? Tbh, I used to be. In today’s world, as a woman or femme presenting human, it can feel like we are stuck in a tension between safety and femininity - in this episode I discuss that tension, share some of my own experience, as well as offer some suggestions on how to navigate this - including a lil teaser for a massive new course.
Read MoreIn this episode I talk about a mini coaching sesh I did with someone over DMs about masculine and feminine energy in communication, in a romantic context. Masculine and feminine energy can be vague and hard to understand at first - so in this episode I give a clear example with one simple convo as a place to start. I’m sure some of y’all will know this this, but for y’all who don’t - understanding energetic polarity is so crucial and magical!
Read MoreI said what I said. A confident person doesn’t try to undermine someone else’s confidence. A happy person won’t poke a hole in the balloon of someone else’s happy moment. It can be easy to feel insecure and get confused about what is what in today’s world of incorrectly used terms, and the conflation of confidence with arrogance. It’s important we all cultivate a balanced understanding of ourselves - our strengths, weaknesses, talents. Inappropriate humbleness has robbed the world of a lot of great art, writing, innovation, and more!
Read MoreVery subtle, hard to pick up on - and I feel the need to talk about it! I fully believe in coaching and online courses, I’ve taken tons and it’s changed my life! I offer courses and mentorship for a reason - because it works! That being said, I’ve noticed some sketchy vibes even from coaches who have something valuable to say. I break this down a bit and share some things I’ve noticed, in this episode! I don’t want to paint everyone in the space with a bad brush, obvi - but there’s some sneaky shit I wish folks didn’t do. I talk about that in this episode.
Read MoreOkay friends - let’s get real! I know there’s SO many folks chilling in the sidelines, curious and hopeful, with some big heart-led desire to dive into learning witchcraft and magic… and yet, these big ass myths about what magic is often hold ‘em back from truly seizing the day and claiming their magic. In this episode, I correct what I’ve experienced to be the biggest misconceptions about learning witchcraft and magic today - and I explain what magic is about instead.
Read MoreWho’s in your life impacts your vibe - it’s true on a mundane level, but on a spiritual level, too. In this episode I talk about friend breakups, and the spiritual logistics of how hanging on to people who are unaligned with you is just you fucking your own shit up. In this episode I talk about what approach to take instead, and why.
Read MoreY’all - the time right now is so potent, so juicy, so brimming with possibility, rebirth, creativity, and fun. Even if you’re an artist every day and have sex regularly, that’s no guarantee that you’re living in alignment with the sacral chakra - the zesty life force passion wave of life, where you’re brimming with vitality, not just happy in life but on the edge of ecstasy. This vibe pairs so well with the Spring Equinox, and Aries season! In this episode I talk all about my recent unlocking of my sacral chakra, and how I did it - and why you might want to too. The sacral chakra is the second from the bottom - and unlocks once our inner child has enough safety, stability, and security to play, to move, to intuit, to giggle! It’s also our centre for art, creation, and sexual fire.
Read MoreEveryone under the sun thinks they’re cursed. It’s wild! If I had a dollar every time someone emailed me to tell me how cursed they are, I would be a millionaire. However, almost no one is cursed - it’s more often than not just a case of really flimsy spiritual protection. In this episode, I lay out three massive signs that your spiritual protection sucks - or at least needs some improvement! - and what to do about it.
Read MoreHot take: feminine energy is protective. It took me A LONG TIME to connect with and embody feminine energy, as a lifelong nonbinary person who finally claimed womanhood last year - and learning feminine energy has been one of the best, most empowering, and transformative things I’ve ever done. I’ve also learned that it’s been quite protective against bad people, manipulation, abuse, and unhealthy relational dynamics. In this episode I explain a little about the why and how.
Read MoreWhew ok - this is a BIG episode, full of lots of ideas that you may find just a little bit spicy. I talk about healthy masculinity, healthy femininity, the beauty of masculine and feminine polarity, and the ways in which contemporary feminism has set women up to fail by entrenching us in iron castles, preserving our trauma rather than healing us from it. I touch on my own gender and trauma healing journey and how healing trauma has also created space for me to connect with my inner divine feminine energy, and to recognize healthy masculine energy when it shows up. Femininity doesn’t have to be scary, dangerous, or put us at risk; it is easier for women to unfurl and blossom in our feminine energy when we are with men who are in their healthy masculine. NOTE: In this episode I do speak in energetic gender binaries - if that’s not for you, it’s ok! Most of my work involves discussing energy and polarity in gender neutral ways. It’s now time for me to get more specific about these energies and how they can play out in our lives.
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