Posts tagged childhood trauma
The Mother’s Day Episode: Mediumship, Mentorship, Healing Bloodlines, and Life After Trauma | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 70

In this episode, I chat a little about this past Mother’s Day and how it was for me - in truth, I forgot it was Mother’s Day - and wow, what a blessing to be at a place on my healing journey that I was able to not know, and then when I knew, I enjoyed it instead of being triggered. I found out it was Mother’s Day when I went to zoom church - and received a message from some departed women on my mother’s side. I explain a bit about Spiritualist mediumship and my experience having certain spirit connections unlocked and/or deepened. I also discuss mentoring as a form of mothering, and how important it is to mother ourselves, no matter how old we are.

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It’s Not a Flex to Be Triggered by Good Vibes and Oppression Olympics in Spirituality | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 68

Okay so this episode is a little bit of a rant… stick with me though. Over the last few years, witchy and spiritual spaces have been inundated with the rhetoric of the oppression olympics, a narcissistic over-fixation on identity, and an obsession with personal injury. In this episode I talk a bit about some of the conversations I’ve observed lately, particularly a knee jerk response to (and rejection of) “low vibe” and “high vibe” rhetoric. I give a contrary perspective, which is that we can accept ourselves no matter where we are on our journey. Shame is optional, and so is the rejection of happy and helpful concepts. A deep episode, lol!

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When We Heal Our Female Ancestral Wounds and Traumas, We Heal Ourselves | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 61

In this episode I talk about ancestor work. Of course, we all know about inter generational trauma, family dynamics and how dysfunctional systems get handed down from generation to generation within families. But what about the traumas, habits, narratives, and beliefs specific to our female and women ancestors in our lineage? In this episode I talk about why looking at gender and ancestral narratives and experiences are so important in understanding and healing our own traumas, energies, and lives - as witches, and as creators of our reality.

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Looking Into the Past, Gratitude For The Journey and Our Younger Selves | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 59

Hi friends! In today’s episode I talk about how it feels to look back at old photos and see how far we have come. If you haven’t done this in a while I would really recommend it! I talk about the cataclysmic moments that led to me divorcing my family, weathering the storm, healing, and levelling up. Also, soft launch of my first big ass course since 2020, Feminine Energy Without Bullshit, is tonight!

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Understanding the Basics of Abuse Psychology | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 43

Okay, I know this isn’t about witchcraft - but guess what? Witches are, above all, PEOPLE. And if I had a dollar for every time someone emailed me crying over someone who was very clearly abusive, I would be a bazillionaire. In this episode I explain the basics of abuse psychology as I understand it - the fundamentals of how it works, how people get sucked in, what kind of relationships this can happen in, and some basic warning signs to look out for. It can be hard to get out of these connections once they really get rolling; listen to this episode to learn big red flags and signs that you absolutely need to disconnect. I end with a pep talk for anyone going through something hot and cold - love does NOT have to feel that way! Sometimes the best magic is to LEAVE. Sending everyone love and good energy! If you find this episode healing or helpful, please share it with a friend or loved one who could benefit.

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True Love Is Real and Other Things I Learned From Prince Harry's Memoir "Spare" | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 41

Y’all gonna think I’m corny for this, but I truly don’t care - I liked this book, okay! In this episode I explain why this book is relevant to anyone with a traumatic or dysfunctional childhood and/or family story, how we can find hope and inspiration everywhere (even a celebrity memoir), and what I love about Prince Harry’s approach to choosing love and saying no to family dysfunction.

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