Posts tagged family
The Mother’s Day Episode: Mediumship, Mentorship, Healing Bloodlines, and Life After Trauma | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 70

In this episode, I chat a little about this past Mother’s Day and how it was for me - in truth, I forgot it was Mother’s Day - and wow, what a blessing to be at a place on my healing journey that I was able to not know, and then when I knew, I enjoyed it instead of being triggered. I found out it was Mother’s Day when I went to zoom church - and received a message from some departed women on my mother’s side. I explain a bit about Spiritualist mediumship and my experience having certain spirit connections unlocked and/or deepened. I also discuss mentoring as a form of mothering, and how important it is to mother ourselves, no matter how old we are.

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When We Heal Our Female Ancestral Wounds and Traumas, We Heal Ourselves | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 61

In this episode I talk about ancestor work. Of course, we all know about inter generational trauma, family dynamics and how dysfunctional systems get handed down from generation to generation within families. But what about the traumas, habits, narratives, and beliefs specific to our female and women ancestors in our lineage? In this episode I talk about why looking at gender and ancestral narratives and experiences are so important in understanding and healing our own traumas, energies, and lives - as witches, and as creators of our reality.

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