Posts tagged affirmations
It’s Not What You Attract, It’s What You Entertain | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 33

One thing a lot of folks dabbling in manifestation and the law of attraction (and really any kind of sympathetic magic that involves summoning something to us) get wrong is the idea that if something crappy happens, it’s because we attracted it, if we get treated badly by someone we manifested it. Well, no! In this episode I explain how our bright light can attract all kinds of bugs, pretty ones and mean ones; the problem isn’t the bugs (so to speak), but which ones we choose to entertain and make time for. Reconnect with your agency around the law of attraction with this episode!

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How Do Affirmations Work? | The Secrets of a Witch Podcast with Sabrina Scott episode 20

Ok, I know - you may think affirmations are cheesy, but they’ve absolutely helped me switch up my life for the better. In this episode I talk about what affirmations are, how they work, and I give some simple and clear tips that you can use to create your own meaningful and impactful affirmations that apply to your own unique life.

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