Something a little different today! Yesterday, for the total solar eclipse, I went on a pilgrimage to totality. In this episode I record my journey and you will hear the adventure to totality as well as totality itself. In future episodes I’ll talk more about how I feel now and how I’ve interpreted the experience, but for this episode it’s just eclipse day itself. I hope you enjoy!
Read MoreThis episode is inspired by a podcast called Astray, which I binged over the weekend! The podcast follows the stories of Western men who went to India to find enlightenment, and ended up dead. In this episode, I discuss why people go elsewhere to find spiritual knowledge, what I think about that, and why/when it is and isn’t appropriate. If you’re not sure how to infuse your mundane daily life with magic and deep spirituality, you should check out my two books on how to do just that: Witchbody, and Curse and Cure: Magic for Real Life. Both books can be found on Amazon.
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