I said what I said. A confident person doesn’t try to undermine someone else’s confidence. A happy person won’t poke a hole in the balloon of someone else’s happy moment. It can be easy to feel insecure and get confused about what is what in today’s world of incorrectly used terms, and the conflation of confidence with arrogance. It’s important we all cultivate a balanced understanding of ourselves - our strengths, weaknesses, talents. Inappropriate humbleness has robbed the world of a lot of great art, writing, innovation, and more!
Read MoreI said what I said! If you find yourself lapsing into negativity and cynicism, this episode is a friendly reminder that no, that does not have to be a personality trait - it’s often a sign that there’s something hidden beneath the surface that needs a little love.
Read MoreIt’s happened to you, it’s happened to me - you know what I’m talking about. When you totally ignore the advice your tarot cards give you (“avoid that person/place/thing!”) and… it doesn’t go well for you, LOL. Sometimes - and um, maybe even often - the tarot can tell us stuff that we really don’t want to hear, and it can be sooo tempting to just ignore them and go live life. In this episode I explain how I too have learned this the hard way, as recently as… today! I also give tips for how to interpret and move through this kind of experience, why you shouldn’t beat yourself up, and what to pull cards on next.
Read MoreCheapasses!!! One of my biggest pet peeves. In this episode I explain why cheap people annoy the f**k out of me, and, perhaps more importantly, what cheap behaviour is actually about psychologically, and why/how it significantly holds people back in life.
Read MoreIn the wise words of Toronto man Drake, “imitation isn’t flattery, it’s just annoying me” - what a mood! In this episode, I talk about how annoying copycats can be, why copycats might be copying, and how we can best approach this kind of thing when it happens (spoiler alert: it involves protecting our peace).
Read MoreOk, I know I know - I can be a bit “take no prisoners” at times, but underneath it, I am warm and fuzzy. As much as I advocate a bit of a decisive cutthroat vibe at times, I do believe that feeling our feelings is important, and even deeply physically and emotionally healing. In this episode, I talk about the importance of feeling our feelings, seeing big feelings as gifts and lessons, and the importance of meeting our feelings with openness and curiosity.
Read MoreOk, I know - you may think affirmations are cheesy, but they’ve absolutely helped me switch up my life for the better. In this episode I talk about what affirmations are, how they work, and I give some simple and clear tips that you can use to create your own meaningful and impactful affirmations that apply to your own unique life.
Read MoreOkay, controversial opinion alert - the Law of Attraction is actually super spiritually useful and interesting! And! It is absolutely something anyone who is witchy can work with in their magic. In this episode I explain what the Law of Attraction is, why some folks hate it, and why I think it’s an awesome tool for anyone who does magic.
Read MoreIn this episode, I give a quick lil happiness tip: compliment strangers. Genuinely. From the heart. For no reason at all. I discuss why this raises our own vibration, and how it can ripple outwards to improve the lives of others. Cheesy? Yes. Awesome? Also yes.
Read MoreYes, happiness and joy are badass - it’s time that we admit this whole-heartedly instead of descending into a bottomless pit of misery and cynicism. In this episode I discuss why happiness is sweet, why we should all be joyful in public, and why shining brighter is kickass. It’s possible for you, no matter what you’ve been through: I promise.
Read MoreAssholes! We’ve all met them, and I’m sure in life we have all, at least once, unfortunately been THAT person. Oops! In this podcast episode I explain what I think asshole behaviour is actually about, and what we can do to deal with people who act this way.
Read MoreIn this episode I discuss different approaches to thinking about boundaries, and introduce my absolute favourite: the concept of being “available for” (or not) something. If you’ve ever spent a grumpy day because you weren’t treated in a way you feel you deserved, this episode is for you. Let’s reframe the bad vibes and give you some new mental tools to move past those unpleasant moments that just don’t feel right.
Read MoreWe’ve all experienced it - rejection! Maybe you get turned down from a promotion or a job interview, your partner dumps you, or maybe you realize that your crush isn’t as all that as you originally thought. Whatever the circumstance, it’s a “no” - from you, them, or the universe! In this episode I reframe what “no” means, so you can move forward with confidence and optimism - even when things don’t go how you think they would.
Read MoreWhy are so many witches miserable? For real tho - why? In this inaugural episode of my brand new, super DIY low-fi podcast, I riff on why so many folks in the community seem petty and sad, and what I wish we would all do instead.
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