Whew ok this is a big but very important topic! In this episode, I discuss common behaviours done by manipulators and compare them to how healthy people behave in the same situations. Manipulation can be very sneaky and hard to spot, that’s why it’s often so successful and can be so hard to escape from! Manipulative behaviour is also a bit of a warning sign for possible abuse to come, so it is important that everyone becomes familiar with these tactics. A tendency to manipulate is a massive red flag for anyone in your life, be it friend, lover, or coworker. Learn the warning signs in this episode and keep yourself safe!
Read MoreIn the wise words of Toronto man Drake, “imitation isn’t flattery, it’s just annoying me” - what a mood! In this episode, I talk about how annoying copycats can be, why copycats might be copying, and how we can best approach this kind of thing when it happens (spoiler alert: it involves protecting our peace).
Read MoreOk, I know I know - I can be a bit “take no prisoners” at times, but underneath it, I am warm and fuzzy. As much as I advocate a bit of a decisive cutthroat vibe at times, I do believe that feeling our feelings is important, and even deeply physically and emotionally healing. In this episode, I talk about the importance of feeling our feelings, seeing big feelings as gifts and lessons, and the importance of meeting our feelings with openness and curiosity.
Read MoreHave you ever been left out? Not invited to the kewl kids’ party (or podcast, or book anthology thang, or conference, or or or)? Well, tbh, same - witchy and spiritual communities can be just as cliquey and rude as any other ol’ group of people. In this episode, I share the only ritual I ever did that completely was rejected by the universe (to find a ready-made spiritual community to plop happily right into), how I felt about it, lessons from it, and what I did next. I also give suggestions on what to do if you feel totally shunned by all the places you wanna be, or like you don’t belong. You got this - I promise.
Read MoreIn this episode, I give a quick lil happiness tip: compliment strangers. Genuinely. From the heart. For no reason at all. I discuss why this raises our own vibration, and how it can ripple outwards to improve the lives of others. Cheesy? Yes. Awesome? Also yes.
Read MoreI said what I said y’all! In this episode, I break down the “I’m too nice, that’s why I keep having terrible experiences” excuse - I explain what that statement actually means, why it sucks, and what anyone who feels that way can do in their lives instead.
Read MoreYes, happiness and joy are badass - it’s time that we admit this whole-heartedly instead of descending into a bottomless pit of misery and cynicism. In this episode I discuss why happiness is sweet, why we should all be joyful in public, and why shining brighter is kickass. It’s possible for you, no matter what you’ve been through: I promise.
Read MoreThose long time friends not really the vibe anymore? Trust me, it happens - and I know how painful it can be to come to terms with outgrowing the people in our lives. In this episode I talk about some examples from my own life, what I did next, and why it was the right choice. Who we surround ourselves with - and who we let into our lives - really does matter. In this podcast episode I talk about why, and what to do when you feel unaligned with the folks around you.
Read MoreIn this episode, inspired by a recent chat with my therapist, I discuss the concept of the core wound. I share what mine is, in the hopes that y’all can learn something from how I’ve dealt with it - the harms of it, but also how, when we face the music and flip our core wound on its head, it can be deeply healing and creative.
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