Welcome Summer Solstice! Cancer Season Wisdom from the Knight of Cups

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The Knight of Cups is an appropriate card to pull as we move into watery (and yet wildly sunny) Cancer season up here in the northern hemisphere. Be open to invitations. Being invited, after all, is another way to receive.

Emotionality abounds, and the Knight of Cups invites you to take a swim into the depths of your own interpersonal ocean. Who in your sphere do you want to play with? And I don’t just mean sexually! Creative, artistic, emotional, and spiritual play are also such important aspects of what it can mean to tap into our playfulness this Cancer season.

Remember: water is a feminine element, a receiving, receptive element – water gets poured inside the cups in this suit, after all; cups hold water in place, give it shape and form.

How can you – in this unique moment in time – dip your toes into the deep power that we experience when we connect with our abilities to receive? How can you tap into working with your body as the vessel of pleasure that it is?

Lean back, get out of your head, get into your body, and see how many types of tingles you can feel on every inch of your skin.

When we are too attuned to our thoughts – our mental and cerebral realm – we can block access to the full bloom of sensory reception. Turn your focus to your skin, to your body, your physical being.

Our bodies, our energies, and our spirits have such enormous capacity to sense, to feel, to notice, to receive – we just have to help it along by opening the door to this experience, putting our brain on a nearby shelf, and being welcoming of sensation.

After all, one beautiful thing about witchcraft and magic – and energy work in general – is how it, by virtue of how magic works, can teach us to expand into a more multifaceted, multidimensional sensory experience, as we ride the waves of whatever energies envelop us.