Response to 'Why Astrologers are More Afraid'
Sometime a week or two ago I was mentioned by astrologer Cam White (thanks so much, Cam!) in a YouTube video he did contemplating why astrologers are so afraid of their audiences right now. He mentioned/cited my Secrets of a Witch podcast episode 190, which is called Why I’m Breaking Up With Chani Nicholas and Other Woke Astrologers. (Again, thanks Cam! A lot of folks encounter my work/ideas/rambles and don’t cite/reference, so whenever someone does, I’m always happy! Cam’s piece which cites me is linked in the YouTube video below.)
What CW had to say was important IMHO, and I don’t think it’s an accident that a non-astrologer (aka, me) had to be the one to bust the conversation open about both wokeness in astrology and also the fear that professional online astrologers - and other content creators more generally, IMHO) have of their audiences these days.
In this YouTube live, I bounce off of what CW said and share some of my own thoughts on this phenomena, including around fear, audience, cancellation, and the importance of being inspired and led by courage rather than fear, worry, and paranoia, regardless of whatever industry we’re in, and whether we’re a public or private person. It was a really great conversation (there were some lively folks in the chat!), so I really do hope you check it out and give it a listen. Leave a comment so I can hear how it resonated!