Feminine Energy Without Bullshit: A Brand New Master Course From Sabrina Scott


What if there was a way to reconcile your feminism with your femininity?

What if there was a way to blend your fierceness with your femininity, in a way that felt easy, light, breezy, and authentic to who you are?

What if there was a way to be a badass boss bitch, AND relax into your own version of a soft feminine vibe?

What if you could embody feminine energy, instead of running from it?

What if feminine energy could feel safe and easy?

What if you could - finally - connect with female spirits, saints, goddesses, and divinities?

What if you could embrace your femininity, rather than feeling afraid of and alienated by it?


I can hear what some of y’all are thinking.

“What? There’s a way to talk about feminine energy WITHOUT bullshit? Are you SURE?!”

I know, I know.

In an era of #bossbabes, high feminism, an explosion of prejudice against trans people, political times and the policing of women’s bodies that can feel a bit like The Handmaid’s Tale, a lot of folks have become allergic to talking about gender difference and gendered energy, especially feminine energy.

Feminine energy is often coded, inherently, as ‘bullshit.’

It’s not something that’s cool to care about, these days.

“We’re feminists!”

“It’s 2023!”

“Shouldn’t we be PAST this whole gendered vibes thang?! Everyone’s all the same! No labels, just vibes! Actually, no, gimme ALL the labels!”

Well, as always, my take is very YOU DO YOU BOO! The world is a big place! The internet is a big place!

But/and - it’s time for me to talk and teach about this… in public.

Because… doing this work has completely changed my life.

As it turns out, feminine energy ISN’T bullshit.

Neither is goddess energy.

Neither is divine feminine energy.

Neither is finding the divine feminine goddess within yourself - no matter what your gender is.

It’s actually awesome, and it can be so incredibly life changing. It was for me.

And I’m finally ready to talk about it, to teach about it. My way. In a way that’s well considered, that isn’t cheesy; in a way that’s deep and lived in, and applicable to today’s complicated contemporary world.

And to be honest, I can’t think of a more bullshit, patriarchal, nonsense lie than the idea that learning about feminine energy isn’t worth our time.

It absolutely is.


I’m sure that, to some of you, me starting to talk about this may feel like a betrayal.

That’s ok.

The fact of the matter is, I’ve been growing and evolving - and I’m interested in helping others do the same. We don’t have to stay the same exact person forever.

I see a lot of complaining.

I see a lot of misery.

And I used to complain about the same things; I used to be miserable and feel confused and disconnected for similar reasons.

If you want to have real conversations about energy, about feminine vibes… you’re in the right place, and I got’cha back, even if you feel confused right now.

Can you relate to any of this?

  • You’ve tried to connect with goddess or divine feminine energy, or even female saints and ancestor spirits and feminine tarot cards, but it feels like you can’t get through – no one’s picking up the phone

  • You want to access your innate feminine energy, but you worry that doing so will make you into a doormat, and you fear you’ll be taken advantage of

  • Maybe you’ve always been a tomboy, running from one sport to the next, from one hyper-masculine environment to another, be it in work or leisure – and you’re unsure how to step out of a masculine headspace in other areas of your life

  • You have no fucking idea how to mix your feminism with your desire for a soft life

  • Maybe you’ve come to associate femininity and feminine energy with the violence often perpetrated by patriarchal systems and rape culture – so it hasn’t felt safe to explore and relax into your feminine energy

  • Maybe as a queer, nonbinary person, you’ve always felt alienated by feminine energy and the divine feminine, despite your fascination with it and desire to deeply connect to the feminine

  • Or, even worse, maybe you, like me, experienced sexual trauma at the hands of women, due to your femininity – so you pushed your feminine away as far as you possibly could, in an effort to be and feel safe

Honestly, at one point in my life, I could have said a big fat YES to every single one of those.


We are in a weird moment, as a culture.

Feminism and gender issues – and identity issues overall – have gotten a little more mainstream, with the rise of #metoo, #girlboss, and other political discussions.

And yet I see many contemporary women feeling alienated from femininity and womanhood, unable to reconcile their feminist political views with a fear of their own femininity, and an inability to come to terms with a longing to be soft and sensual, while treated like shit by men from the apps.

It’s easy to feel fucking confused.

It’s easy to feel torn apart by balancing our desires and our politics, and throw cancel culture into that and it’s easy to see why a lot of women decide to just bury their heads in the sand, never talk about this stuff with anyone, and don’t even admit it to themselves.

If you’re feeling some kinda way about gender, feminine energy, feminism, identity, dating, magic, witchcraft, and how the fuck it all fits together in a way that feels empowering and FREE rather than stifling, it’s not your fault.

It’s not your fault, and I’ve been there.

Honestly – and I’ve never really admitted this publicly – it took me almost thirty years to be able to fluidly, easily, and confidently embody feminine energy.

To connect with feminine energy, to be the divine feminine embodied.

It’s a journey I started with intention back in 2017, when I was 27, back when I still identified as non-binary.

It took me a while to get here… and I’m finally ready to share.

(Well, I don’t really feel ready – but I know it’s past time for me to do this.)

The most advanced form of magic is not to simply do another spell or routine ritual, but to shift your entire mode of being – to completely change and shift your energy, your entire energy signature and your energetic vibration at a baseline.

An inability or a hesitance (or even an avoidance) of doing this powerful work is what will create a glass ceiling for many magical practitioners and everyday people alike.

You have all the trappings of modern womanhood – that stuff that we’ve all been told is supposed to make us feel empowered.

You’re independent.

You have a good job.

Maybe you have good friends and a decent partner.

And yet you still don’t feel quite like you’re anywhere near to who you want to be and how you want to feel.

You don’t feel like the bad bitch you pretend to be on social media.

You can talk a big talk about being a strong independent woman and yet your love life is in the shitter, no one treats you how you wish they would, and you give in to quick sex with dudes who ghost you, and you may even spend a bit more time crying and eating ice cream (and watching Love is Blind) than you’d like to admit.

There’s something missing about your vibe, your relationship to yourself, and your relationship to other people, and you aren’t sure what it is.


And when you do kinda start to get a feel for what it is that’s missing – an unapologetic connection to your divine feminine essence – you hold back.

You don’t admit it to yourself, and you sure as hell don’t admit it to your friends.

Won’t they just think you want some weirdo regressive tradwife Handmaid’s Tale Andrew Tate shit?!

Well, you don’t! You know that ain’t your vibe, and you know those weirdo pick-up artist professional misogynists totally miss the mark.

So you keep your mouth shut, and you stay unfulfilled.

You might have all these cultural tropes swirling around in your head, at war with each other – the strong, opinionated, “I can do it” feminist, and that soft, girly side of you that’s long been hidden, that’s always wanted to receive the occasional gift bag or bouquet of flowers that you didn’t buy yourself.

The good news is…

You don’t have to choose between being successful and fierce at work, and the side of you that wants the freedom to be soft and taken care of sometimes.

Your femininity and your feminine energy won’t make you weak, won’t make you vulnerable, and won’t make you bad.

I know it can be hard to believe that.

It was hard for me to believe it, too.

I’m still a feminist, and I’ve spent a lot of time on the far political left – which, despite its narratives about freedom and accepting all people – often harbours prejudice against women who are truly feminine, and for any people who embrace more old school expressions of gender roles.

And you know what’s funny?

Of all the people I’ve dated, those who were the most cruel and toxic, I met in left-wing, feminist communities. That difference, that weird dichotomy, started to get to me: why do all these feminist guys and radical political women treat me like shit? Why do all these normie, traditional, non-political dudes treating me like gold?

It broke my brain.

And so, because of that, I decided to jump into understanding something that had always eluded me: feminine energy specifically, of course, as well as ideas of energetic polarity and gender.

Of course, I’d heard of that before – it’s a common idea in Wicca, and that’s a big reason why Wicca never felt like home to me. Gender binaries, gender essentialism, putting a knife in a chalice to symbolize hetero sex? A god and a goddess? Bleh! No thanks!

And so, unable to connect with feminine divinity, and uninterested in discussing femininity or the divine goddess, I walked another, completely different path that is entirely my own.

Do I regret this meandering?

Absolutely not – the path was perfectly what it needed to be, timing also perfect, to lead me on the topsy turvy journey that led me and my thought process, my learning process, to this moment.

Back then, I wasn’t ready to face it – some of these deep secrets, hidden and uncomfortable truths I didn’t want to admit to myself about my gender and my path.

But then the desires, the wonderings… bubbled up.

If it was possible for others, surely it would also be possible for me.

And if it’s possible for me… I know it’s possible for you.


It’s possible to experience confidence and joy in all aspects of your femininity.

It’s possible to learn to receive from others, and to stop overgiving.

It’s possible to receive gifts, surprises, and be treated like a queen.

It’s possible to have such a good vibe that you inspire everyone around you.

It’s possible to love every inch of your body, and not have to cover it in order to feel safe. 

It’s possible to associate femininity with safety, rather than fear and danger. 

It’s possible to relate to men differently – to learn how to sort the good ones from the bad, to believe in abundance and excess when it comes to dating.

It’s possible to reconcile feminism with desiring a more traditional vibe in dating.

It’s possible to enjoy unfurling, blossoming, and blooming into who you always knew you could be.

It’s possible to be so many things at once, and to stand confident in all these different incarnations of your feminine energy.

It’s possible to connect with the divine feminine inside you.

It’s possible to connect with the divine feminine outside of you – goddesses, saints, fairies, spirit guides.

It’s possible to see the feminine as safe, as fluid, as easy to embody.

It’s possible to leave codependence behind.

It’s possible to leave fear of abandonment behind.

It’s possible to leave controlling behaviour behind. 

Whether you’re straight, gay, queer, nonbinary, whatever – the principles of feminine energy, and the polarity and healthy interplay of masculine and feminine energy is available for you to dive into and explore. Whether you find Aphrodite alienating or the Aphrodite inside you alienating, you can learn to feel, be, and relate otherwise.  

It takes time.

It won’t be overnight.

But it’s possible to be YOU, and be happy.

I’ve found a solution to all of this shit.

It doesn’t mean you can avoid going to therapy.

You’ll still have to go to therapy, sister, LOL.

But it really is leaning into feminine energy that completely transformed my relationship to myself, my body, my gender, my spirit, my soul, my own energy, my spirituality, my magic, my relationships with others, my relationship to my trauma and my ability to heal it.

I’ve been somewhere like where you might be right now.

And I know there’s a way out.


Some old photos of me from 2015 - 25 years old. I was recovering from a rape and decided to divorce my family.


My Story

When I was a kid, I fluctuated between going to ballet, and playing hockey. I cut my hair short, and everyone around me thought I was a boy – I had a very naturally androgynous look.

During my teens I felt very alienated from women and womanhood, despite always (and maybe because of) being queer – I wasn’t sure how to talk to girls, they freaked me out once I learned more about my orientation. It took me a long time to learn how to interact with women.

And in my spiritual practice, for the longest time I could never successfully make contact with any goddesses, no matter how hard I tried. It was only in my early twenties that I started to connect with a flavour of the divine feminine – and even then, she is a saint of death, so not exactly the same overflowing feminine and almost girly energy as Venus, Aphrodite, Freya, or any of the other divine feminine energies, often associated with beauty, sex, and love.

I desperately wanted to break through and connect to something other than masculine energy, and it wasn’t until my late twenties that my experiments with feminine energy slowly started to click, and create shifts inside my being that would become seismic.

I grew up in a complex household where my femininity was experienced by my mother as an existential threat. She’d always insist on buying me clothes too big for my body, to hide me. I never bought any makeup until I moved away from living with her, at around seventeen. In addition to that, she’d make inappropriate sexual comments about my body and my breasts, even when I was a preteen. When I recently saw her last year after my step brother’s suicide, she did the exact same thing, and it all came rushing back - the trauma all clicked together, and I finally healed it. But from childhood onwards, I internalized that it was not safe to have a feminine body or body parts.

In a society where girl children are cat called and regularly sexually assaulted by grown adults, often men, and when women are vulnerable to rape, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence, our brains can sometimes convince us that to deny our femininity – and our connection to it – is to shroud ourselves in safety. We learn by observation that to be feminine is to be vulnerable and weak, and so we ‘man up,’ embracing abrasiveness and stand-in masculinity to keep ourselves safe emotionally and physically.

I know I spent many years doing this. I’m a feminist and have been for decades, nothing will change that, but I’ve seen so much denial of the feminine and a wild embrace of hyper-masculine aggressive energy from women in this space. If that makes folks happy – cool. But I can see it often doesn’t, and I know from first hand experience, it didn’t for me.

Until last year I identified as gender non-binary. Yes, that’s pretty much my whole life, until now. For a long time, it was the most-right label, which now I know is likely due to trauma. I embraced androgyny and gender fluidity, mixing up my look between high femme, and butch-ish one-of-the-guys. In relationships I was as I was in most areas of life – assertive, but also incredibly afraid of rejection, afraid of abandonment, afraid of being alone. I coped with this by being too assertive, too clingy, too controlling. It was all motivated by fear. In my teens and early twenties I was in the process of recovering from CPTSD, and struggled deeply with codependence and fear. I didn’t always select the best dates, I didn’t believe excellent people were really out there.

So, if feminism taught me that all men are garbage, it taught me that I may as well cling to the garbage, spend time with it, since better options didn’t exist. This leftist teaching is a poison, and it poisoned me. But over time, I learned that just as feminine energy could be safe, masculine energy could be, too. They both just looked a little different than what I was used to, different from what I grew up with.

Needless to say, everything has changed for me.

Magic and spirituality and tarot (and therapy, lol) have been HUGE parts of my healing, evolution, and transformation – and, hidden within all of that, never spoken of publicly, has been my intentional learning of feminine energy.

I read countless books, took tons of online courses, listened to lectures from brilliant women online. I spent a lot of time talking to my therapist, living life, dating, and I ended up getting surgery as a deeper step into the gender and body I’ve always felt could and should be mine – the version of me I always see in my head.

Now my body feels like home, my gender feels like home, and I don’t feel like I’m negating or denying any aspect of who I am or who I want to be. I’m no longer afraid, and I feel safe, empowered, present. Some people ain’t about it, and that’s okay – it’ll always be the case anyway, so we may as well take the leap and stretch into who we really want to be, who we’ve always dreamed we can be.

The four images in these grids - two above this section and two below these words - were taken before my intentional journey with feminine energy started. I was totally cut off from the divine feminine both inside me, and external to me. Compare to my energy in all the other photos, the new ones - and the difference is ENERGY. Glowing from the inside out.


My Why

I myself struggled with accessing feminine energy – both divine and goddess energy, and feminine energy in myself – until the last few years.

And it’s taken me forever to learn to embody it, through being, not doing.

I’ve learned that feminine energy is about being, existing; it’s a vibration.

It’s about flow, and it’s about receiving, it’s about inviting, summoning, welcoming.

It’s about confidence, trust, self worth, and self esteem.

It’s about self actualization and peace within the self, finding home within the self.

It’s okay to be in masculine energy in business and in life, but there needs to be some of that gender energy dichotomy and alchemy in other ways, embodied in the same body.

My old codependent fearful behaviours were a form of masculine energy – trying to control or shape a situation more than was necessary. Control based energy is masculine, doing energy, and that can be channelled in healthy or unhealthy ways.

There are masculine and feminine energy approaches to creativity and channelling, but that ‘flow state’ is inherently a feminine energy practice, because it is a surrender and release to receive from the universe and a higher power. Feminine energy is based in, rooted in trust – trust of the self and trust of the universe.

If you keep trying and doing and doing and buying candles and doing spells for confidence and self-love that last for a week but whose effects trickle off after that, and you don’t know why you feel so crappy because/and you don’t know what you’re doing wrong… this course will teach you what the missing link is, something many modern women have either forgotten how to tap into or actively rejected. Hey, that person was me. So I get it.

I thought that if I didn’t go after everything and everyone, actively chase, pursue, speak my mind at every opportunity, express every single emotion in my brain… that I’d be a doormat or a wimp. I desperately didn’t want to get stepped on, but that old behaviour of mine, which I now see as a deeply unhealthy masculine energy, resulted in everything but happiness.

I’ve been in female-led and female-only business spaces, and I’ve been in mixed business spaces, as well as those led by men. One of the things that stuck out to me like crazy was that in the womens’ spaces, be they books or weekend conferences or online communities, so much emphasis was placed on convincing these women that they were brilliant and worthy, and that it wasn’t bad to spend time and money on themselves. The womens’ spaces – and the women in them – seemed to require so much hand-holding and encouragement, to take up any space at all. This issue is still so rampant with women. Never have I ever seen a business book for men ever start off with a chapter on self worth and esteem. It’s assumed to already exist. And it often does.

It seems like we’re in a world where women are more empowered than ever, and yet feel more insecure and ineffectual than ever. Our dating lives are worse than ever.

We are in boardrooms, we are starting businesses, and yet many of us are operating in the world energetically as meek little mice – afraid of everyone else, and afraid of ourselves.

We sleep with whoever on the first date in the guise of being sexually empowered, and get upset when he doesn’t call.

We’re not honest with ourselves about who we are and what we want, and we make decisions in our life based on fear and scarcity.

This leads to us being codependent and feeling trapped, paralyzed, unsure what to do next and certainly not trusting ourselves. We are at once brash, sloppy, and insecure.

We put a strong bitch front on social media, and post pictures of ourselves flipping the bird and smoking fat blunts.

Underneath that is an ocean of insecurity and a fear of being alone forever, and a lack of sureness about our worthiness, skills, and potential. I have seen this time and time again, and, to be honest, I spent many years being that girl.

A lot of women today exist in a space of lack, fear, and scarcity.

This is completely optional.

A lot of women today are unhappy, and feel like if they just keep pushing, trying, banging on all the doors, sliding into the DMs, letting certain behaviour slide… everything will be okay. A lot of women today are ‘strong women’ and yet total doormats at the same time.

I made this course to help the contemporary woman reconcile her femininity with feminism, in a way that feels true, empowering, and authentic: in a way that feels like coming home to yourself.


This course comes very much from my own gender journey.

I’m someone who was assigned female at birth, and I grew up a huge hockey playing tomboy with an androgynous look. I identified as gender non-binary for about twenty years, and I’ve always identified as queer in terms of my sexuality.

I realized that my gender journey – and my alienation from and denial of my femininity, including divine femininity like goddesses – was in large part due to the sexualized attention I received from a female family member since I was a kid.

As a result, I subconsciously associated womanhood, femaleness, and femininity with danger, and with an icky attention I didn’t like. Without realizing what I was doing or feeling or why - trauma survival, hello - I became more androgynous and more masculine to keep myself safe. Masculinity, and androgyny, to me felt… safe, easy to collapse into.

Slowly, I started reclaiming my femininity with my first gender-affirming surgery at age 23, and I had my second, an incredibly transformative experience, at age 32.

It was only a few weeks before this second surgery, in a few absolutely mind blowing sessions with my therapist, that I realized what the surgery was all about, and what it represented to me: finally becoming myself, and finally embracing womanhood, and a version of physical femininity, on my own terms.

She/her, not she/they.

For the first time in ages, it felt right. It felt like a huge reclamation of who I was always meant to be: the powerful feminine, hidden somewhere down there, under the rug.

The person I was afraid to be.

The person it felt unsafe to be.

The person I finally decided to be.

I started intentionally trying to learn feminine energy back when I was 27ish – and, after many years of trying and doing, I’ve finally been able to step into the beingness of it all. I’ve worked with more feminine energies, more goddess energy and female divinities, as well as embraced feminine energy in my daily life embodiment, and in my dating life.

My entire life has transformed for the better as a result of this work.

I am no longer self-loathing, I am no longer in any way insecure, about really… anything.

I am confident, I love myself, I feel happy and empowered, and I am treated well by the people in my life.

I experience fear - like launching this course, lol, I am not-so-secretly super scared to do this - and I do things anyway.

I don’t hyper-fixate on the bad. I’m not codependent. If others don’t like me, I don’t worry about it.

It’s been a long and complicated journey. And I’m thankful for it.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who was assigned female at birth, moved into a nonbinary identity for one of many reasons. And… who spent many years harbouring a longing to become more fully, to move into an unapologetically feminine place rooted in power and confidence.

To realize that in this, there is safety.

There is self.


There are so many people who this course is for.

If you’re one of them, if you feel called, I hope you dive in.


Notice the contrast in aura photos: 2018 vs 2023


It’s taken me more than a year to design this curriculum.

It comes from a lot of learning. Thinking. Meditating. Being.

Making mistakes.

Reprogramming my brain.

Reprogramming what I believed I deserved, and what I was - and wasn’t - available for.

This course won’t always be “politically correct,” but I can promise you I will ALWAYS be REAL.

Everything I teach here, I use in my life on the daily. And it took me a while to figure it all out - years. Save yourself the trouble of learning all this shit the hard way - through years of trial, error, heartache, blood, sweat, and tears.

So, here we go! Buckle up:

Course Curriculum

Module 0: Planting the Right Seeds (How We Got Here)

  • My Disclaimer: Do Whatever the Fuck You Want

  • Course Structure: How To Do This Course

  • How I Got Here (Feminism, Sexual Abuse, Fear, Nonbinary Identity)

  • Is Talking About Feminine Energy Unwoke?

  • Is It Unwoke To Talk About Gender Difference?

  • What About Nonbinary and Trans People? (Yes, Ya’ll Belong Too)

  • Widespread Contemporary Unhappiness

Module 1: Feeling Your Roots (Who Are You?)

  • What Is Your Relationship to Feminine and Masculine Energies?

  • Cultural Understandings of Gender and Gender Roles

  • Pros and Cons of Unspoken Gender Roles

  • Control, Acceptance, and Letting Go

  • Looking At Your Natural Impulses: Where Do They Come From?

  • How Do You Want To Be Treated? What Do You Want Your Life To Be Like?

  • Availability and Unavailability

Module 2: The Basics – What Are Feminine and Masculine Energy?

  • Why Work With Feminine Energy?

  • Gender Difference: Fluidity, Rigidity, Liminality

  • What Are the Types of Binary Gendered Energy?

    • Wounded/Unempowered Feminine

    • Healthy/Empowered Feminine

    • Wounded/Unempowered Masculine

    • Healthy/Empowered Masculine

  • Feminine Energy and Gender

  • Masculine Energy and Gender

  • Wounded Masculine and Toxic Masculine are Two Different Things

  • Most Women Are In Their Masculine Most of the Time

  • Aesthetics, Looks, Vibes, and Movement: Exploring Gender Expression

Module 3: Unlearning What’s Not Working

  • Feminism and Masculine Energy

  • Feminism and the Fear of Feminine Energy

  • We’re Taught Being In Our Masculine Energy = Safety (It Isn’t)

  • Why Are So Many Contemporary Women In Their Masculine?

  • Why Are So Many Contemporary Men In Their Feminine?

  • Unlearning Automated Masculine Energy

  • Feminism, Masculine Energy, and Resentment

  • Activist Communities and Wounded Energy

Module 4: Feminine Energy in Love

  • How Feminine Energy Transformed My Dating Life

  • What Feminism Gets Wrong (A LOT)

  • The Myth of the Feminist Man (And Who To Look For Instead)

  • Working With Feminine Energy To Heal Codependence

  • Feminine Energy Is Protective

  • Feminine Energy Keeps Our Warning Bells On

  • Feminine Energy and Acceptance Energy

  • Learning to Receive: Empowered Receiving As Embodying the Divine Feminine

  • Dating Dynamics and Energetic Polarities

  • Embodying Abundance, Rejecting Scarcity

  • Being Unafraid to Walk Away

Module 5: Embodying Feminine Energy

  • Being, Not Doing

  • Receiving, Not Controlling and Manipulating

  • Joy and Gratitude as Feminine Expression

  • Receiving as a Feminist Act: Reclaiming Time, Peace, Worthiness

  • Feminine Energy and Confidence

  • Feminine Energy and Authentic Embodiment

  • Inner Peace and Feminine Energy

  • When To Embody The Masculine

Module 6: Feminine Energy in Mediumship and Art

  • Feminine Energy and Creative Channelling

  • Feminine Energy and Ritual

  • Feminine Energy as Reinvigorated Presence

  • Feminine Energy and Mediumship

  • Feminine Energy and the Inner Child

Module 7: Feminine Energy and Working With the Divine

  • Working With Goddesses

  • Working With Female Saints

  • Working With Female Spirits

  • Working With Female Ancestors

  • Working With Feminine Archetypes in Magic, Worship, and Devotion

Module 8: Feminine Energy Archetypes

  • What Are Feminine Energy Archetypes?

  • How To Work With Feminine Energy Archetypes

  • The Diva Queen

  • The Boss Bitch

  • The Seductress

  • The Flower Child

  • The Mother

  • The Goddess

  • The Witch

Module 9: Integration and Synthesis, Becoming Yourself

  • Beingness and Authenticity

  • Rejecting Doingness

  • Sustaining Meaningful Change

  • Receiving as Being

  • Feeling, Sensing, Flowing

  • Sustaining Energetic Alignment and Feminine Vibration

  • What’s Next? Daily Practice

  • Gratitude and Celebration

Course Structure

This is a digital program.

You can learn Feminine Energy Without Bullshit from home, on the go, from anywhere in the world: on your own schedule. I’ve designed this course to meld to and fit into YOUR lifestyle, not the other way around.

Feminine Energy Without Bullshit includes:

  • 10 Modules (likely 20+ hours) of pre-recorded video content for you to watch on demand, hosted on Teachable - you get lifetime access

  • 10 Worksheets full of jam-packed goodness

  • Live Group Coaching on Zoom from July to December

  • Private Community hosted on Facebook

  • Private Group Chat hosted on Telegram


FAQ: The Deets

  • I feel called to help people.

    That’s the simple beginning and end of it.

    I can see a lot of people who are at a similar place to where I used to be: kinda miserable, not sure exactly what to do about it.

    Unhappy and grumpy in their own skin, envious of others with a different life.

    That life can be yours, too.

    You just have to give yourself permission to bloom.

  • No, this is not a dating course.

    Will some topics come up that involve dating and relationships? Absolutely – interpersonal psychology, and relationship dynamics are a special love of mine, that I’ve done a lot of research on both as a part of my PhD, as just my own nerdy research, and also, of course, since I’m a teacher who often speaks from my own experiences for the sake of giving relatable, concrete examples, there will be talk of that here and there, because when we shift our energy, it creates ripples and so many things change – including our love lives.

    Ultimately, the point of this course is not dating, the point is to teach you feminine energy as an advanced form of magic and manifestation.

    Will your dating life transform for the better? I’d guess YES! It’s often a happy ripple effect and to be expected when we shift our energy and way of being in the world!

    Advanced dating coaching and advice is outside of the scope of this course, but you can expect some talk of dating and relating in the course.

  • Yes and no.

    If you’re familiar with all of my teachings on energy work and how magic actually works – maybe you’ve taken my Magic Without Bullshit course, or read my witchy 101 book, Curse and Cure: Magic For Real Life – you’ll know all those witchy basics, and how to do magic and collaborate with a variety of objects and tools, as well as a larger spiritual team, to do witchcraft. Since I’ve covered all of that elsewhere, that stuff isn’t in this course.

    One of the most popular definitions of magic is that it’s the art of shifting consciousness at will.

    After a certain depth of practice, we should be able to do that without asking our spiritual team to help us, and without needing to light any candles.

    Do I still light candles? Yes, of course!

    Do I still pray to my spiritual team? Yes, of course!

    But what this course is really about is what I call the magic of feminine energy – shifting our entire way of life, our way of being and thinking, so there is no ‘trying’ – there is simply being.

    What this course is really about is energy work on such a deep level that it changes your entire vibration. It’s about letting go of fear and stepping into confidence, forever.

    Background knowledge of energy work in a witchy context will be very helpful for all who enroll!

  • Well, no.

    It’s for anyone of any gender who wants to step into feminine energy, but it is designed for women and the unique set of experiences many women have.

    My language in this course largely focuses on women, men, masculinity, femininity, and energetic polarity. In ALL of my other courses and offerings I am very gender neutral in how I talk about energy, this course is the one exception.

    So, you have to decide if that is something you are okay with, or if it is something you’ll be offended by. It’s okay if this course isn’t for you.

    The internet is a big place, and if you’d rather learn about a non-gendered form of energy work, my Magic Without Bullshit course would be a great place to start.

    I will not be pandering to anyone in this course, it will not always be politically correct. I’ll be saying what I need to say, and that may only be relevant to a certain demographic. If you’d like me to help you decide if the course is a good fit for you at this stage in your journey, let me know – happy to be of service.

  • My own experience.

    I am not certified as a therapist, counsellor, life coach, lawyer, doctor, or whatever else.

    That being said, I’ve been a witch for more than twenty years, and I’ve been doing energy work for just as long. I’ve transformed my life for the better exponentially many times over, and my life purpose is teaching others to do the same: to rise from whatever ashes they find themselves in, and to rediscover their flame.

    I used to be miserable and insecure. I’m not anymore. I want the same for you, even if you wouldn’t describe yourself as miserable! If you wanna be challenged and grow, I got’chu.

    My courses on witchcraft, magic, tarot, energy work, and affirmations have helped hundreds of students from all around the world.

    The proof is in the pudding and the pudding is me – but it’s also my students and wonderful clients. It can also be you!

    This course is my most vulnerable offering yet, where I really talk a lot about my own personal journey of transformation. It’s very intimate, it’s very scary to share, and yet I feel I need to do it, because I know what I have to say can and will help many people who might relate to my journey. I haven’t heard of this exact trajectory mentioned much before if at all, and so… it’s time.

    Otherwise, I was a university professor for 4 years, designed curricula for required courses (and executed/taught, with my own TA working under me), and I have a Masters degree with a diploma in education. I taught in the biggest auditoriums in the school, to groups of 200 students at a time. So I have some experience teaching, other than running an online course business! I’ve taught workshops in person since 2010.

  • I’m a feminist, always have been and always will be – I believe in the empowerment of women, I believe in the existence of patriarchy and gender-based violence, I believe in the existence of rape culture and the devaluation of women by some people.

    At the same time, I don’t believe in victim culture and the demonization of all men. What we believe about others, what we believe about ourselves, how we treat ourselves, what we accept – all of that does impact our experience of life. This course doesn’t cover systemic or institutional issues. You can get that elsewhere; discussion of that stuff is widespread and pretty mainstream at this point.

    What I do here instead is talk about – and teach – about the magic of feminine energy, how to tap into it, feel it, and embody it, and how an embrace of true and potent feminine energy in a way that feels authentic and real to you… can drastically improve your life.

    To me, that’s a feminist mission. If you want to feel bad about being a woman, and prefer to wallow in making excuses and blaming others for why you aren’t happy and don’t feel genuinely powerful and self-loving, this course is not for you.

  • No.

    I spent almost my entire life identifying as someone on the trans spectrum.

    I have a lot of love for trans and queer folks; I’ve always identified as queer and I still do.

    I actually think trans people and queer people often have a pretty good idea about what feminine and masculine energy are in the first place, aside from biological gender, and these communities often have more complex, interesting ways of talking about and perceiving gender than most outside of these spaces realize.

    Actually, it’s due to spending so much time in these communities that place so much importance on thinking about gender and sex, that also informs my ideas about gendered energies.

  • Well, I don’t want to add a disclaimer every five minutes I say something – so I’ll be speaking in broad strokes with this course, and operating under the assumption that intelligent, curious people will be able to apply what I’m saying to their lives in a meaningful and unique way, even if they’re not in the ‘woman dating a man’ category.

    I feel like most people who really need this work are… women who date men.

    Most queer and trans folks have already made some peace with where they are at in terms of gendered energy, so most likely won’t need or want to take this course. I’d say the demographic that is most in need of this work is, as I’ve said… the woman who dates men.

    That being said, this course is for anyone who wants it, anyone who wants to be here.

  • Of course you can, darling! I’d be happy to have you on board.

    Do keep in mind, that this is my only big course offering to date where I do rely somewhat heavily on gendered language, with a gendered understanding of energetic polarity.

    You know yourself best, so I trust you to touch in with yourself to feel into if the way I talk about things resonates for you. If you have any questions about if this is a good fit for you, feel free to reach out with your concerns. If I don’t think it’s a fit, I’ll tell ya straight up. It’s.a waste of both of our time for you to be in an environment that doesn’t suit your journey at the moment.


FAQ: The Logistics

  • Nope! This course is structured like my other two Without Bullshit courses on magic and tarot - the pillar course content will consist of 20-24 hours of pre-recorded videos between 5-25 minutes each, spread out over 10 carefully designed modules.

    The reason for this is that I know we’re all on different schedules, in different time zones - some of us are bingers, others of us like to dip our toes in for a few moments here and there. Since the course is available on demand, you’ll get to learn in a way that works best for you: your brain, your energy levels, your schedule.

    Incorporating group live sessions gives space for you to apply what you’ve learned, to ask questions, and to connect with your fellow cohort!

    You’ll also be able to connect with fellow students on various course community platforms: Facebook and Telegram, whichever suits your mood.

    Ask questions, connect, share thoughts!

  • Modules will be released every two weeks. The release schedule is as follows, but may shift on occasion as needed to fit my own schedule, work projects, and health blips:

    Module 0: Friday July 7

Module 1: Friday July 21

Module 2: Friday Aug 4

Module 3: Friday Aug 18

Module 4: Friday Sept 1

Module 5: Friday Sept 15

    Module 6: Friday Sept 29

Module 7: Friday Oct 13

Module 8: Friday Oct 27

    Module 9: Friday Nov 10

Module 10: Friday Nov 24

  • It’s hosted on a platform called Teachable, which you can access both on desktop and through a mobile app! If you’re in any of my other courses or masterclasses, that’s where all my stuff is hosted - so you’ll have everything in one place.

  • Lifetime access, baby! So no worries whatsoever if you can’t dive in right away.

    The community component will be active for 6 months.

  • There will be 12 group coaching sessions, held live, from July to December 2023.

  • Between 60-90 minutes.

  • Yes! It’ll be on both Facebook and Telegram.

  • The honest answer is, it depends on you, your drive, your vibe, and your current situation in general! How busy are you with work? What else is going on in your life? Are you someone who likes to binge things, or do you prefer to take it slow?

    Some students will zoom through the material; others might take a few extra months to get through it all.

    Both approaches are great!

    There is no rush and no right or wrong amount of time, because you have lifetime access to the program! Remember, learning magic meaningfully – without bullshit – ain’t a quick fix, it’s a slow burn.

    I generally recommend you set aside 1-4 hours per week to go through the program and implement the assignments, but I’d encourage you to make a time commitment that’s doable for you.

    Learning isn’t about shame or doing chores.

    It’s about connecting to our excitement and passion for something, in a way that’s sustainable, manageable, balanced, and healthy. If you can only do one hour per week right now, that’s cool! If you ramp it up to five hours per week over winter holidays, more power to ya.

    The beauty of an online course is YOU get to decide how to engage, and when.


Your Story

What’s your story? Where does it go next?

I’m offering this course because I believe that your story isn’t over yet. In fact, I believe your story is just beginning.

I share my own story not because I’m trying to make Sabrina clones, or turn you into me - nope. I share my story so you can see that I never, not in a million years, thought I’d end up where I am today. I share my story to show the power of transformation.

I want you to think about your own transformation, over the past few years.

With gender. With your spirituality. With your energy.

Where have you been?

What are your wounds? Have you healed them? Do they hold you back?

Where do you want to go next?

What else do you want to learn?

Who else do you want to be?

Is there a side of you you haven’t embraced yet?

In this course, I’d like to help you get there.

It doesn’t seem like there’s many safe spaces these days to explore these ideas.

I’d like to provide that, and create a crucible, an incubation container, for you and others on a similar journey to learn, to grow, to experiment, to blossom, and to bloom.

See you inside?